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The Characteristics and Characters of Change

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Presentation on theme: "The Characteristics and Characters of Change"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Characteristics and Characters of Change
Renaissance Art The Characteristics and Characters of Change

2 Key Characteristics Realism Proportion Perspective
Correct relation among parts Everything is in scale Perspective Giving the appearance of distance on a flat surface

3 Leonardo Da Vinci

4 Leonardo Da Vinci Who is he? Famous contributions: Famous works:
Painter, Inventor, Engineer and Scientist Famous contributions: Learn about the world through direct observation and experiment Human anatomy Famous works: Mona Lisa

5 Michelangelo

6 Michelangelo Who was he? Famous contributions: Famous works:
Sculptor and Painter Famous contributions: Fresco Paintings using water colour on fresh wet plaster Famous works: David The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

7 Artemisia Gentileschi

8 Artemisia Gentileschi
Who was she? Portrait Painter Famous Contributions: First famous female painter

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