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Rocks A solid part of the Earth’s crust.

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Presentation on theme: "Rocks A solid part of the Earth’s crust."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rocks A solid part of the Earth’s crust.
Rocks are composed from minerals Mineral composition- What minerals a rock is made from.

2 Three Types of Rock Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic

3 Igneous Igneous rocks are formed from the cooling of molten rock
Lava is located on the earths crust Magma is located below the earths surface

4 Igneous Two types of Igneous rocks Intrusive Extrusive

5 Extrusive igneous rock
Magma is forced to the surface of the rock. Becoming lava and then cooling.

6 Extrusive igneous rock
Types of extrusive Rocks Basalt Pumice

7 Intrusive igneous rocks
Magma is forced into the crust and then cools.

8 Intrusive igneous rock
Types of extrusive Rocks Granite Pegmatite

9 Sedimentary Rock Rock particles that are weathered, eroded, deposited then compacted or cemented together.

10 Sediment Small, solid pieces of material that come from rocks or organisms.

11 Weathering/Erosion The breaking down of rocks into sediment and the movement of that sediment.

12 Compaction Rock particles compacted together without cementation minerals.

13 Cementation The process by which dissolved minerals crystallize and glue rock particles together.

14 Types of sedimentary rocks
Sand stone Coal Fossils

15 Metamorphic Rocks that have changed form and mineral composition without melting.

16 Types of metamorphic - Schist - Marble - Slate

17 Identifying Rocks Color- unreliable Texture- the look and feel of a rocks surface Grains - A particle of mineral or other rock that gives a rock its texture.

18 Rock Cycle The process where rocks are formed and reformed.



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