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DeGroote Consulting Group Elizabeth, Chinomnso, Marley, Britney

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1 DeGroote Consulting Group Elizabeth, Chinomnso, Marley, Britney
Keep MOVE-ing forward DeGroote Consulting Group Elizabeth, Chinomnso, Marley, Britney






7 Background

8 How might continue to innovate for sustainable profitability?

9 Key issues

10 Key issues Competition Increasing competition in both online and offline furniture markets international entrants (e.g., Ikea) horizontal marketplaces (e.g., Flipkart) international and national manufacturers online retailers (e.g., Urban Ladder) Importance Urgency Competition Profitability Profitability Pepperfry experienced a loss of INR 2.48b in 2016/17 Aim to be EBITDA positive in 12 to 18 months Achieving profitability is critical to sustain Pepperfry Innovation Innovation Innovation mindset required to maintain position and take advantage of real estate boom as well as growing middle class Key takeaway Pepperfry must continue to innovate to maintain market share and earn a profit.

11 Analysis

12 Customer journey Key takeaway Pepperfry can capture more value by enabling an omnichannel customer experience.

13 Financial analysis Market Share Online USD $700,000,000 Online Rupee INR 46,666,666,667 Portion of Current Market INR 2,064,000,000 4.4% Key takeaway Pepperfry is not capturing enough of the furniture market to earn a profit.

14 Opportunities

15 1 2 3 Opportunities Customization stations
Supply Chain as a Service (SCaaS) 2 Move studios 3

16 Customization stations
1 Allow customers to customize Pepperfry branded furniture online and leverage franchise stores to enable customers to view different design features Expected benefits Increase customer satisfaction Increase perception of value Leverage supply chain efficiencies Increase in addressable market Considerations Conflict with Pepperfry’s origins Increased cost of production per item, reduced margin

17 Supply Chain as a Service (SCaaS)
2 Expand existing supply chain capabilities to enable contracting of surplus capacity to other businesses Expected benefits Increased revenue Increased resiliency to market changes through diversification Considerations Not aligned with existing customer base Lack of focus may harm existing innovation and growth activities in primary market

18 Move studios 3 Make the furniture shopping experience mobile with branded studios in shipping containers with a variety of designs and exclusive time-limited styles Expected benefits Disruptive and innovative in the existing market segment Access to additional consumer base Increases focus on omni-channel customer experience Considerations Maintains reliance on existing market Once introduced, competitors will follow Requires ongoing awareness of current studio locations

19 Determining your next move
factor weight 1 Customization station 2 Supply Chain as a Service 3 Move studios Innovation 0.5 4 Competition 0.3 Profitability 0.2 Total ► 1.8 3.5 3.8 legend 1 low 5 high

20 Preferred solution

21 Preferred solution Mobility Operations Variety Engagement Year 1

22 MOVE-ing to meet your customer

23 Implementation plan

24 Mobility ► Operations ► Variety ► Engagement
Key activities Year 1 purchase trucks legal consultation hire drivers Mobility Considerations environmental concerns difficulty in hiring qualified drivers is possible

25 Mobility ► Operations ► Variety ► Engagement
Key activities Year 1 plan routes assign drivers ship furniture to trucks Mobility Operations Considerations construction impacts planned routes

26 Mobility ► Operations ► Variety ► Engagement
Key activities Year 1 hire influencer design trucks survey consumers Mobility Operations Variety Considerations ability to get an influencer survey does not yield numerous results

27 Mobility ► Operations ► Variety ► Engagement
Key activities Year 1 digital campaign truck pilot monitor reviews Mobility Operations Variety Engagement Considerations low uptake of digital campaign low turnout to pilot stations

28 Costing Sum of 0-3 months Sum of 6- 9 months Sum of 9- 12 months
Mobility INR61.3 m Buying trucks INR4.7 m Drivers INR53.3 m Legal team INR3.3 m Variety INR13.3 m Interior designer Engagement INR6.7 m Digital campaign Truck pilot Grand Total INR20.0 m INR26.7 m

29 Financials Décor Furniture Furniture Rental Total Revenue 2013 2014
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Décor INR 68.20 INR 87.80 INR INR INR INR INR 1,677.26 INR 3,304.20 Furniture INR INR INR INR 1,600.80 INR 2,064.00 INR 3,405.60 INR 6,709.03 INR 13,216.79 Furniture Rental INR 4,860.00 INR 9,720.00 INR 29,160.00 Total Revenue INR 9,117.00 INR 18,106.29 INR 45,680.99

30 Key metrics

31 Key success metrics people Furniture rental consumers .0002% of market
target timeline people Furniture rental consumers .0002% of market 2 years Mobile van visits 100 daily profit Gross merchandise value INR 45 billion CAGR 97% process Launch on time 1 year ongoing Minimal route disruption <5% of routes

32 Risks + mitigation

33 Risks + mitigation trucks do not achieve direct sales H M
Likelihood Impact Mitigation trucks do not achieve direct sales H M online sales opportunities allow consumers to view and purchase after the mobile showroom leaves influencer not acquired L Pepperfry has disrupted the market and is well known to influencers, there is mutual benefit in this partnership competition invades your market share movement to a new market (mobile) with no competition allows for less competition ineffective routes 2 months of planning routes allows you to look at potential disruptions and avoid them


35 Appendix

36 Expected growth INR millions 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Revenue Targeted INR 341 INR 439 INR 992 INR 2,001 INR 2,580 INR 4,257 INR 7,024 INR 19,846 Revenue Actual Base Case INR 8,386 INR 16,521 Profit/ (loss) (INR 542) (INR 362) (INR 1,255) (INR 2,992) (INR 2,486) Gross merchandise value INR 582 INR 642 INR 2,202 INR 5,122 INR 6,500 INR 50,000 Gross merchandise value TARGET INR 10,725 INR 21,128 INR 41,623 GMV/Revenue 171% 146% 222% 256% 252% INR 9,365 INR 19,667

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