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Chapter 10 Vocabulary Review.

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1 Chapter 10 Vocabulary Review

2 pioneer One of the first people to enter or settle a region
Daniel Boone was a pioneer who explored an Indian trail that led through the Cumberland Gap over the Appalachians.

3 frontier The edge of a country or a settled region.
Many settlers settled across the mountains to the frontier where the land was rich and beautiful.

4 flatboat A large rectangular boat partly covered by a roof.
Many settlers traveled in flatboats down the Mississippi and Ohio rivers.

5 canal A waterway built for boat travel and shipping.
Many settlers traveled down canals to try to find food and supplies.

6 manufacturer People who use machines to make goods.
To be a good manufacturer, you have to be able to use machines very well.

7 corps A team of people who work together.
The Corps of Discovery was a group of soldiers who explored Louisiana.

8 interpreter Someone who helps people who speak different languages understand each other. I asked Mr. Perkins to be an interpreter at my meeting because I do not understand Spanish.

9 source The place where a river begins.
In 1805 Zebulon Pike led a group to find the source of the Mississippi River.

10 Prosperity Economic success and security After the War of 1812, Americans experienced great prosperity.

11 Nationalism Having devotion and love for one’s country During the Era of Good Feelings, people had a new feeling of nationalism.

12 Foreign Policy A government’s actions towards another country The Monroe Doctrine was a foreign policy statement that said the United States would defend itself against other countries trying to invade North or South America.

13 suffrage The right to vote
After the War of 1812, many people moved to territories where they were guaranteed suffrage.

14 Campaign A series of actions that work towards a goal
You have to give many speeches while you are campaigning for president.

15 Ruling An official decision
John Marshall’s ruling said it was against the law to force Cherokee Indians to move.

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