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More nutrition.

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Presentation on theme: "More nutrition."— Presentation transcript:

1 More nutrition

2 Which is healthier? Butter or margarine?


4 Trans fats A trans fat is a fat where two hydrogen molecules are on opposite sides of 2 double bonded carbon atoms. The result is an unnatural, straight fatty acid that is bad for your heart. Trans fats should be avoided entirely.


6 Is fibre a nutrient?

7 Is fibre a nutrient? No, our bodies cannot absorb it.
But it helps push food through our digestive system, even removing bacteria. It keeps you ”regular”

8 Questions to think about
Should corporations (i.e. McDonalds) be held accountable for selling unhealthy foods to us?

9 Questions to think about
Should corporations (i.e. McDonalds) be held accountable for selling unhealthy foods to us? Should these corporations be allowed to market to children?

10 Food Security This is a term referring to the ability to access nutritious food on a regular basis.

11 Food Security Up to 2 billion people worldwide lack food security intermittently.

12 Approximately 25% of all humans on Earth!
Food security Up to 2 billion people worldwide lack food security intermittently. Approximately 25% of all humans on Earth!

13 How many Canadians live in a situation of Food insecurity?
A: Less than B: to 1 million C: 1 to 2 million D: 2 to 3 million

14 How many Canadians live in a situation of Food insecurity?
A: Less than B: to 1 million C: 1 to 2 million D: 2 to 3 million

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