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Level 3 Award in Pre / Post Natal Exercise Programming Design

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Presentation on theme: "Level 3 Award in Pre / Post Natal Exercise Programming Design"— Presentation transcript:

1 Level 3 Award in Pre / Post Natal Exercise Programming Design

2 Aims of the session By the end of the session the learner should have an understanding of Pre-natal exercise prescription and the ability to design a programme

3 Learning Outcomes By then end of the session the learner should be able to Design a workout routine for a pregnant client in the 2st trimester

4 Pre-Natal – 2nd Trimester
Overview Hopefully you will be feeling more balanced and energetic as hormones level off and you begin to bloom! Exercise can be such a truly positive help to enjoy a healthy and balanced pregnancy. Also exercise helps to de- stress and relax are incredibly beneficial to both you and your babies well being.

5 Pre-Natal – 2nd Trimester
Posture & balance As your uterus grows it rises out of the pelvic brim and begins to protrude forwards and you actually start to look pregnant. This change alters your entire posture and balance so following specific exercises for correct posture is essential.

6 Pre-Natal – 2nd Trimester
The hormone Relaxin, relaxes ligaments and fibrous tissue, especially around the pelvis to prepare for labour. Your joints become more 'bendy' and less stable. Plus extra weight and a 'wonky 'posture' then it becomes apparent that pregnancy exercise is needed to keep safe and injury free. Oestrogen is also responsible for growth in your breast tissue so wearing a supportive bra is essential. A properly fitting sports bra gives comfort and support but also helps prevent stretch marks on the breast tissue. As your bump gets bigger your main abdominal muscle (Rectus Abdominus) begins to feel the strain. These abdominal muscles lengthen and weaken and eventually separate apart. This puts pressure on your lower spine, core stability and pelvis Many 'popular' ab exercises are now really not suitable or safe for this stage of pregnancy. Therefore it is important that you follow specific and advice on how to exercise your abdominals.

7 Pre-Natal – exercise summary – 2nd Trimester
Aerobic Switch to low impact activities, e.g. swimming, bike, walking, cross-trainer and aqua classes, Follow age HR data aiming for top of the range if comfortable

8 Pre-Natal – exercise summary – 2nd Trimester
Aerobic Intensity may need to reduce towards the end of this trimester, minutes, 3-4 times per week, Increase food intake around exercise by 150 calories due to increased insulin resistance.

9 Pre-Natal – 2nd Trimester CV exercises
Running in pregnancy: If have NEVER run before, this is not the ideal time to start, power walking is a more suitable option, Experienced Runners in pregnancy If you have already included running into your exercise program pre pregnancy, and you are fit, well and experiencing a normal pregnancy; then there is no reason to stop, You may want to alter your training plan so that your goal is time, rather than distance, Make your route flat and constantly assess your intensity scale (max 0f level 7), If necessary interval periods of walking with running,

10 Pre-Natal – exercise summary – 2nd Trimester
Resistance Changing shape may begin to dictate what equipment can be used, Moderate weights aiming for repetitions, Ensure a stable base of support as balance may deteriorate.

11 Pre-Natal – exercise summary – 2nd Trimester
Resistance No prone work.

12 Pre-Natal – 2nd Trimester Exercises Safety
How to get up & down from the floor

13 Pre-Natal – 2nd Trimester Resistance Exercises
Pelvic Floor Wave

14 Pre-Natal – 2nd Trimester Resistance Exercises
Squat with Biceps curl

15 Pre-Natal – 2nd Trimester Resistance Exercises
Forward Punch

16 Pre-Natal – 2nd Trimester Resistance Exercises
Squat & Squeeze

17 Pre-Natal – 2nd Trimester Resistance Exercises
Seated Dyno-band Row

18 Pre-Natal – 2nd Trimester Resistance Exercises
Curl & Kick

19 Pre-Natal – 2nd Trimester Resistance Exercises
Abdominal Curl & Chest Release

20 Pre-Natal – 2nd Trimester Resistance Exercises
Knee Tuck

21 Pre-Natal – exercise summary – 2nd Trimester
Flexibility Dynamic flexibility is encouraged prior to activity, Only gentle maintenance-based static, flexibility continuing to focus on area’s of postural adaptation i.e. Hip flexors, lower back, upper trapezius.

22 Pre-Natal – Stretches 2nd Trimester
Side Stretching

23 Pre-Natal – Stretches 2nd Trimester
Hip Flexor Stretch

24 Pre-Natal – Stretches 2nd Trimester
Inverted V Pose

25 Pre-Natal – Stretches 2nd Trimester
Seated Twist

26 Pre-Natal – Stretches 2nd Trimester
Seated Glute Stretch

27 Pre-Natal – Stretches 2nd Trimester
Lying Arm Circle

28 Pre-Natal – exercise Case study
Sophie is a 32 year old woman who is 8 weeks pregnant and wants to continue exercising through her pregnancy and beyond. Prior to her pregnancy she was reasonably active visiting the gym 2-3 times a week and walking and swimming regularly.

29 Pre-Natal – exercise 2nd Trimester
Design a programme for this trimester, use your manual, page 34 and base it on Sophie.

30 Learning Outcomes Can you now
Design a workout routine for a pregnant client in the 2nd trimester


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