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2 ESO 2018- 2019 Unit 1 +2 Face to face + TV.

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Presentation on theme: "2 ESO 2018- 2019 Unit 1 +2 Face to face + TV."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 ESO Unit 1 +2 Face to face + TV

2 Character and personality
ACTIVE FRIENDLY SENSIBLE (sensato) BRAVE GENEROUS SENSITIVE CHEERFUL INTOLERANT (sensible) (happy) MEAN SERIOUS CLEVER (intelligent) (tacaño) SHY NAIVE CONFIDENT (tímido) (ingenuo/inocente) NOSY (sure/seguro) TOLERANT (entrometido) DETERMINED PRACTICAL (terco/decidido) Page 6 FACE READING GUIDE GIVE ADJECTIVES TO THE SENTENCES SENSIBLE : this word is considered a FALSE FRIEND SENSIBLE : Sensato SENSITIVE : sensible

3 How often do you……? Do you often ….. ? Go to parties Meet new people
Go out with friends Argue with your parents Argue with your brother or sister Feel a bit shy Say nice things to someone Speak in English

4 PRESENT SIMPLE affirmative
WALK I want to explain someone that I go to school on foot everyday I just said that… I walk to school everyday The only change that we make is when we want to talk about something that someone else does ( HE/SHE/IT) SHE walkS to school everyday


6 © Rafael Moreno Esteban 2007
Frequency adverbs © Rafael Moreno Esteban 2007

7 How often something happens  FREQUENCY ADVERBS.
We often go camping in summer I usually go to the gym at lunchtime. I am always tired. © Rafael Moreno Esteban 2007

8 Most common adverbs of frequency, in order of frequency :
Always Usually Frequently Often Sometimes Occasionally Rarely Seldom Hardly ever Never

9 ALWAYS (=every night) ……
I always brush my teeth before I go to bed USUALLY. (=happens most days) I usually have toast for breakfast. FREQUENTLY. (=it's common) I frequently watch the news before dinner. DON’T OFTEN. (= not many times) I don’t often go to the park with my dog SOMETIMES. (=at particular occasions but not all the time) I sometimes see him at the shops

10 OCCASIONALLY. (=not happening often or regularly)
I occasionally visit the capital RARELY. (=it is not common) I rarely eat vegetables. SELDOM. (=almost never) I seldom have a chance to go to the theatre HARDLY EVER. (=almost never) I hardly ever travel abroad NEVER. (=not at any time or not on any occasion) I NEVER work on the weekend

11 Adverbs of frequency Positions in the sentence.
“TO BE ", the adverb after the verb She is often ill in winter. The rest of the verbs : between the subject and the verb Pedro occasionally visits us on Sundays. AM/IS/ARE + ADVERB ADVERB + VERB

12 More information about adverbs of frequency:

13 Exercises and quizzes about adverbs of frequency:

14 Exercises and quizzes about adverbs of frequency:
© Rafael Moreno Esteban 2007

15 EXAMPLES She writes her emails every morning.
When does she write her s? The meeting finishes at ten. When does the meeting finish? My sister studies every afternoon. When does your sister study? You and your wife make a lot of money. What do you and your wife make? Our mother watches TV every night. What does our/your mother watch every night ? Practising yoga increases flexibility and strength What does yoga increase? Your new friend goes to the cinema every weekend. Where does your new friend go every weekend?


I / YOU / WE / THEY DO you like eating meat? Yes, I do HE / SHE / IT DOES she usually go to the gym on Monday? No, she doesn’t When DOES she go to the gym? She GOES on Friday DO INFINITIVE DOES INFINITIVE

18 PRESENT CONTINUOUS WHEN DO WE USE IT? Situations taking place in the moment of speaking. ACTIONS IN PROGRESS Now, right now, today, at this moment… But not when talking about routines or repeated actions Everyday, always, never, sometimes….


20 What is happening in the picture
What is happening in the picture? Use both simple present and present continuous!

21 What is happening in the picture
What is happening in the picture? Use both simple present and present continuous! SUNRISE DAWN BREAK OF DAY (amanecer) SUNSET (puesta de sol) RAY OF SUNLIGHT SUNBEAM SUNRAY DUST TWILIGHT EVENING (atardecer)

22 What is happening in the picture
What is happening in the picture? Use both simple present and present continuous! STATISTICS CHART ECONOMIST MANAGEMENT

23 What is happening in the picture
What is happening in the picture? Use both simple present and present continuous! BLOW DANDELION MAKE A WISH

24 What is happening in the picture
What is happening in the picture? Use both simple present and present continuous! WORK OUT ABS SIX-PACK LIFT WEIGHTS

25 What is happening in the picture
What is happening in the picture? Use both simple present and present continuous! PRAY BEDTIME PRAY GOD Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep: May God guard me through the night And wake me with the morning light. Amen.

26 What is happening in the picture
What is happening in the picture? Use both simple present and present continuous!

27 What is happening in the picture
What is happening in the picture? Use both simple present and present continuous! POUR THE WINE GLASS WINEGLASS

28 What is happening in the picture
What is happening in the picture? Use both simple present and present continuous!

29 What is happening in the picture
What is happening in the picture? Use both simple present and present continuous!

30 Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep) ____________
DRIVES Every Monday, Sally (drive)_____________ her kids to football practice. Usually, I (work)__________ as a secretary, but this summer I (study) ______________ French at a language school in Paris. That is why I am in Paris. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep) ____________ Don't forget to take your umbrella. It (rain) _______________ I hate living in Santander because it (rain, always) _________________ I'm sorry I can't hear what you (say)______________ because everybody (talk)_____________ so loudly. This delicious chocolate (be) __________________made by a small chocolatier in Zurich, Switzerland. Water ________ at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius (boil). Here in Montreal the winters are very long and it ________ a lot. (snow) I'm sorry. Bob can't come to the phone. He __________ a shower. (have) WORK AM STUDYING IS SLEEPING IS RAINING ALWAYS RAINS / IS ALWAYS RAINING ARE SAYING IS TALKING IS BOILS SNOWS IS HAVING

31 Communication and attitude
BOAST HUG SMILE (alardear) (abrazar) (sonreir) CHAT JOKE STARE (hablar) (bromear) (contemplar) SULK COMPLAIN LAUGH (enfurruñarse) (quejarse) (reirse) TEASE CRY SHOUT (burlar) (Llorar) (gritar)

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