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Resources Geography Regions Landforms Weather 100 100 100 100 100 200

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Presentation on theme: "Resources Geography Regions Landforms Weather 100 100 100 100 100 200"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resources Geography Regions Landforms Weather 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 This is the game board. Change each of the categories at the top of the five columns. 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 resources- for 100 Name 2 renewable resources
Change “Category 1” for the Category you’ve chosen on the previous slide. Then Click & Drag to select “Type your question(answer) here.” Type the new text. Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

3 resources- for 100 What are water and trees?
Change out Category 1 for the category you’ve chosen. Change out the Answer above with the correct answer. Double-click on left to add clipart to your page. Click on the U (action button) to take you back to the game board. It’s important to click on this to take you back…otherwise you go to the next slide.

4 resources- for 200 Name 3 reasons people have cut down trees.
Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

5 resources- for 200 What are shelter, fuel and roads?

6 resources- for 300 What is the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources? Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

7 resources- for 300 What is renewable can be replaced and non renewable cannot?

8 resources- for 400 Coal, natural gas and petroleum are all examples of what? Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

9 resources- for 400 What is a nonrenewable resource?

10 Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
resources- for 500 What is a natural substance found on Earth that does not come from plants and animals? Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

11 resources- for 500 What is a mineral?

12 Indiana is located in what country?
Geograhy - for 100 Indiana is located in what country? Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

13 Geograhy - for 100 What is the United States?

14 Geograhy - for 200 Indiana is located on what continent?
Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

15 Geograhy - for 200 What is North America?

16 Giant sheets of ice that move over land slowly are called?
Geograhy - for 300 Giant sheets of ice that move over land slowly are called? Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

17 Geograhy - for 300 What is a glacier?

18 Name the imaginary line that cuts the Earth in half.
Geograhy - for 400 Name the imaginary line that cuts the Earth in half. Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

19 Geograhy - for 400 What is the equator?

20 Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Geograhy - for 500 Location lines on a map that run horizontal and vertical across the map/globe are called what? Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

21 Geograhy - for 500 What are latitude and longitude?

22 Regions - for 100 Name the 3 regions of Indiana.
Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

23 Regions - for 100 What are the Northern Lakes and Moraines, Central Till Plains and southern hills and lowlands ?

24 Regions - for 200 Which region has forests and is hilly?
Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

25 Regions - for 200 What is the southern hills and lowlands?

26 Regions - for 300 Why does the Till Plain have rich, fertile soil?
Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

27 Regions - for 300 What are minerals and sand left behind by the glaciers?

28 Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Regions - for 400 Which Indiana region is known for the many minerals found in the ground? Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

29 Regions - for 400 What is Southern Hills and Lowlands?

30 Regions - for 500 Name a region and a job someone may have there.
Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

31 Regions - for 500 Answers will vary

32 Landforms - for 100 Name 3 landforms found in Indiana.
Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

33 Landforms - for 100 What are sand dunes, rivers, lakes, hills and caves?

34 Landforms - for 200 What large body of water is located in Northern Indiana? Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

35 Landforms - for 200 What is Lake Michigan?

36 Landforms - for 300 Describe how the Great Lakes were formed.
Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

37 Landforms - for 300 What is the deep basin that filled in with water as the glaciers melted?

38 Landforms - for 400 How did the glaciers create flat land?
Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

39 Landforms - for 400 What happened when glaciers moved dirt and rock across the land?

40 Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Landforms - for 500 What is a moraine? Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

41 Landforms - for 500 What are low hills formed by rocks that were pushed up by glaciers?

42 weather - for 100 The distance between a place and the equator affects what? Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

43 weather - for 100 What is climate?

44 Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
weather - for 200 When large bodies of water are near land and change the weather, it is called _____. Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

45 weather - for 200 What is lake effect?

46 weather - for 300 The lake effect means there is more of this in that area. Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

47 weather - for 300 What is snow?

48 weather - for 400 Name 3 types of precipitation.
Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

49 weather - for 400 What is rain, snow, hail?

50 weather - for 500 What is the difference between weather and climate?
Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!

51 weather - for 500 Climate is a pattern of weather over a period of many years Weather the condition of the air at a certain time in a certain place.

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