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Writer’s Workshop Meeting the Need of Non-Readers and Special Education Students Stacy Argiriadi, Katie Harmon, & Susan Marziale.

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Presentation on theme: "Writer’s Workshop Meeting the Need of Non-Readers and Special Education Students Stacy Argiriadi, Katie Harmon, & Susan Marziale."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writer’s Workshop Meeting the Need of Non-Readers and Special Education Students Stacy Argiriadi, Katie Harmon, & Susan Marziale

2 Why Aren’t Traditional Methods Successful?
DotStorming was the chosen tool to conduct an online brainstorming session with teachers to discuss Writers Workshop and the non-reader. This is a new tech tool for our staff. Teachers will post digital sticky notes and vote on their favorite notes. After time is allotted for teachers to post, the creator of the board will sort the notes based on the number of votes received by each and discuss with whole group briefly. Why is Writing a Challenge for Non-readers Dotstorm.

3 Scaffolding the Writing Process
Re-teach mini-lesson skill during independent writing or conferencing Reduce number of mini-lesson skills/week Explicit instruction of writing skills (Delpit) Increase opportunities for demonstration, guided practice, explicit teaching, and inquiry (Ch 7, Inside the Minilesson) Allow for student choice/topic selection to increase ownership and background knowledge (Rynkofs, Delpit) Focus conferences solely on skill taught in mini-lesson Do not overcorrect student errors (Rynkofs) Use familiar texts as resources within mini-lessons to assist in teaching new writing skills Reference anchor chart as a visual reminder sharing cumulative writing skills (Ch 7, Inside the Minilesson) Reference visual flow chart showing stages of the writing process (Ch 7, Inside the Minilesson)

4 Modifications & Accommodations
‘Talk Story’ (Rynkofs) Shared writing/co-narrated writing (Rynkofs) Illustrate and label writing (Ch 3, The Pathway along Which Young Writers Progress) Student “read” their drawings (Ch 3, The Pathway along Which Young Writers Progress) Showcase product through comic strip or other visual Voice record writing through Wixie, Voicethread, or Vocaroo Share part, not whole, during celebration (Rynkofs) Frequent conferences as checkpoints (Rynkofs) Extended time for processing (Ch 3, The Pathway along Which Young Writers Progress) Provide word bank and vocabulary (Rynkofs) Frequent reference to writing rubric (Behizadeh)

5 Mini-Lesson Examples Primary Intermediate
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6 Post Video How did the teacher meet the needs of non-readers and special education students? How else could the teacher have supported these students?

7 Ticket Quick assessment of today’s learning using Padlet
As a result of today’s PD what is your new learning or rediscovery of learning? Post your response on this Padlet. After participating in this Writing PD, reflect on what you will immediately implement in your classroom. Post your response on this Padlet.

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