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AP World History Unit 1 Vocabulary #2.

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1 AP World History Unit 1 Vocabulary #2

2 Unit One: Foundations (8000 B.C.E. – 600 C.E.)
Polis Sati Silk Roads Stoicism Twelve Tables Untouchables Varna Vedas Zoroastrianism Analects Animism Bodhisattvas Brahmin Covenant Dharma Diaspora Disciple Edict of Milan Filial piety Karma Messiah Moksha Monotheism New Testament Nirvana Pope Phoenicians Reincarnation Ten Commandments Theocracy Torah Yahweh Yin and yang Huns Latifundia

3 Moksha In Hindu belief, the spirit’s liberation from the cycle of reincarnation

4 Yahweh Jehovah, the god of the Jews

5 Sati The custom of higher castes of Hinduism of a widow throwing herself on the funeral pyre of her husband

6 Latifundia Large landholdings in the Roman Empire

7 Polis A Greek city-state

8 Karma In Hindu tradition, the good or evil deeds done by a person

9 Analects Also known as the Analects of Confucius, are a record of the words and acts of the central Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius and his disciples, as well as the discussions they held

10 Animism The belief that spirits inhabit the features of nature

11 Bodhisattvas Buddhist holy men who accumulated spiritual merits during their lifetime; Buddhists prayed to them in order to receive some of their holiness

12 Brahmin A member of the social class of priests in Aryan society

13 Covenant Agreement; in the Judeo-Christian heritage, an agreement between God and humankind

14 Dharma In Hinduism , the doctrine of the religious and moral rights and duties of each individual; it generally refers to religious duty, but may also mean social order, right conduct, or simply virtue.

15 Diaspora The exile of an ethnic or racial group from their homeland

16 Disciple A follower and learner of a mentor or other wise figure

17 Edict of Milan A document that made Christianity one of the religions allowed in the Roman Empire

18 Filial Piety In China, respect for one’s parents and other elders

19 Huns Nomadic and pastoral people of unknown ethnological affinities who originated in N central Asia, appeared in Europe in the 4th cent. AD, and built up an empire there.

20 Phoenicians Seafaring civilization located on the shores of the eastern Mediterranean (modern day Lebanon); established colonies throughout the Mediterranean (Carthage); devised a simplified alphabet of 22 letters

21 Messiah (Heb. ‘anointed’) Savior or redeemer. Specifically, the Messiah was the descendant of King David expected by the Jews of ancient times to become their king, free them from foreign bondage, and rule over them in a golden age of glory, peace, and righteousness.

22 Monotheism The belief in one god

23 New Testament The portion of the Christian Bible that contains the Gospels that relate the account of the life of Jesus and also includes letters from the followers of Jesus to the early Christian churches

24 Nirvana In Buddhism, a state of perfect peace that is the goal of reincarnation

25 Pope The head of the Roman Catholic Church

26 Reincarnation Rebirth; a belief of both Buddhism and Hinduism

27 Silk Roads Caravan routes and sea lanes between China and the Middle East

28 Stoicism The most popular Hellenistic philosophy; it involved strict discipline and an emphasis on helping others

29 Twelve Tables The codification of Roman law during the republic

30 Ten Commandments The moral law of the Hebrews

31 Theocracy A government ruled by the church

32 Torah The first five books of the Jewish scripture

33 Untouchables The social division in Hindu society that fell in rank below the caste system; it was occupied by those who carried out undesirable occupations such as undertaking, butchering, and waste collection

34 Varna A caste in the Hindu caste system

35 Vedas Ancient and most sacred writings of Hinduism. They consist of series of hymns and formulaic chants that constituted a Hindu liturgy (rituals).

36 Yin and Yang In ancient Chinese belief, the opposing forces that begin balance to nature and life

37 Zoroastrianism An ancient Persian religion that emphasized a struggle between good and evil and rewards in the afterlife for those who chose to follow a good life

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