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Hunter, Mitchell, and Matthew Johnson

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1 Hunter, Mitchell, and Matthew Johnson
Romanticism ( ) Hunter, Mitchell, and Matthew Johnson

2 Characteristics of Romanticism
Characterized as a movement where imagination and ideas were more powerful than reason and logic. Emphasized the importance of emotion and feelings. The reverence toward nature and the supernatural worlds were huge. Heroism and the importance of individual success. Being in touch with the senses of the body. The gothic/intense world of extremes.

3 Characteristics Cont. Characters as symbols were a large part of the literature of the Romanticism. The setting in literature was normally portrayed in an abstract or idealized way. Desire for personal motivation was key in the heroic works of writers.

4 Historical Context Leading up to Romanticism
During the 1800’s New York city was a common place to live. It had a population of 60,000 people- then boomed to 312,000 people. New york attracted many of the most popular and professional writers of the era. New York was referred to as the American literary frontier. Romanticism is a reaction against rationalism, rather than logic and science, it focuses on imagination and emotions.

5 Historical Context Continued
The westward expansion of the USA and its explosive growth in population had a profound effects on the american life and literature The rapid growth, brought with it an upsurge of national pride and identity. This improved transportation and helped bind the old states with the new

6 French Revolution Romanticism took off during the second half of the 18th century, the same time as the French Revolution Romanticism kept on growing in reaction to social transformation caused by the Revolution According to Albert Hancock, “The French Revolution came, bringing with it the promise of a brighter day, the promise of regenerated man and regenerated earth. It was hailed with joy and acclamation by the oppressed, by the ardent lovers of humanity, by the poets, whose task it is to voice the human spirit.”

7 Literature Aspects American writers tried imitating the styles of European and English writers. Romantic literature appreciated the role of a hero. The ideal Romantic hero was youthful, had a good sense of humor, learned from their experiences, and appreciated nature. Romantics valued poetry more than any other type of literature.

8 Key Literary Figures: Edgar Allan Poe
One of the most famous American and romantic writers of all time. Known for his interesting short stories and poems. Wrote with a gloomy and dark perspective. One of the “Dark Romantics.” Key Literary Figures: Edgar Allan Poe

9 Washington Irving Another well known Romantic writer.
He wrote famous fiction stories such as: “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” and “Rip Van Winkle.” A very intuitive and creative mind. Washington Irving

10 His fame started at a very young age when he was writing fantastic poetry.
One of his most famous poems is “Thanatopsis.” His poetry has truth, richness, delicacy, and grace. William Cullen Bryant

11 This piece of a art is called the “Raft of Medusa.”
It shows a lot of struggle within the raft to get to be too. It fits the romantic criteria because it shows extremes and an intense setting.

12 Connection to the American Dream
Writers during the Romanticism period focused on free will and doing what they wanted. They were trying to make themselves known, and also were trying to create a style of writing different from that of European writers. Romantic writers wanted their own identities and writing with imagination was their way of achieving that.

13 The Raven (1845)

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