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LSR AGM 22nd November.

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1 LSR AGM 22nd November

2 Agenda Welcome from the Chairperson
Chairperson’s report and Approval of 2017 AGM minutes  Treasurer Report Membership Report Race Secretary Report Head Coach Report Committee Resignations and Elections AOB

3 LSR Mission Statement LSR aims to provide ski racers the opportunity to reach their full athletic and competitive potential.  We strive to create a supportive environment through our love of snow sports based on healthy competition, sportsmanship and character development, whilst having fun.  We believe that family support and participation is essential in achieving these goals.

4 Chairperson’s Report Sponsorship GDPR Code of Conduct
Creation of Associate Membership Purchased timing equipment, LSR gazebo, coaches jackets Development training for our coaches Member Events Inc. Parents Night, Retail Night, Ski Prep Demo, Ski Rules Workshop Volunteer Gate Judge Training Fitness classes Weekends trips to Indoor races in Manchester

5 Chairperson’s Report- The Year Ahead
New Storage at Hillend LSR to become SSS training centre Further development training for our Coaches New Membership software Snow training weekend to Glenshee More weekends to Indoor races Club Championships on Sunday in June! SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation) New clubhouse?

6 Treasurer’s Report

2018 2017 Membership Income 109,415 91,060 Direct training costs (85,521) (71,245) Other training costs (18,246) (16,478) NET MEMBERSHIP INCOME 5,648 3,337 Net race income 2,460 343 Net merchandise income 379 218 Net training camp expense (358) (255) Administrative expenses (2,853) (2,931) NET INCOME FOR THE YEAR 5,276 712

8 OTHER TRAINING COSTS Video Equipment £860 LSR Flags £300
Screen Equipment £110

2018 2017 Membership Income 109,415 91,060 Direct training costs (85,521) (71,245) Other training costs (18,246) (16,478) NET MEMBERSHIP INCOME 5,648 3,337 Net race income 2,460 343 Net merchandise income 379 218 Net training camp expense (358) (255) Administrative expenses (2,853) (2,931) NET INCOME FOR THE YEAR 5,276 712

10 NET RACE INCOME Other race expenses £811 Podium £58 Trophies £490

2018 2017 Membership Income 109,415 91,060 Direct training costs (85,521) (71,245) Other training costs (18,246) (16,478) NET MEMBERSHIP INCOME 5,648 3,337 Net race income 2,460 343 Net merchandise income 379 218 Net training camp expense (358) (255) Administrative expenses (2,853) (2,931) NET INCOME FOR THE YEAR 5,276 712

Internet fees Printer Ink Bank Charges Thank you gifts Membership cards

13 CLUB FUNDS 2018 £ 2017 Stock 1,257 289 Debtors 450 - Cash 72,183
65,185 ASSETS 73,890 65,474 Creditors & Accruals 36,415 36,775 LIABILITIES General Reserve 30,696 25,420 Boyd Anderson Reserve 3,279 Innovate Reserve 3,500 TOTAL MEMBERS FUNDS 37,475 28,699


15 Membership Report LSR MEMBERSHIP /19 Monday Wednesday Masters Thurs Early Thurs Late – 71 Associate Members TOTAL WAITING LIST - 36

16 Race Secretary Report LSR Races during the last year
Bairns and Lassies November 2017– Entries 130 with 80 LSR entries.(2016 was 125 with 70 LSR entries) Club Championships June Entries 146 (2017 was 140entries) Twin Peaks Hillend June Entries 220 with 92 LSRA entries (2017 was 180 with 87 LSR entries) LSR Craig Macfie Classic September Entries 112 with 74 LSR entries ( with 84 LSR entries)

17 Head Coach Report

18 LSR in 2018 Trainees now have a clear pathway from joining LSR & completing the Wednesday training. - Criteria has been published as well as videos & a level 1 certificate. - LSR now on YouTube & Instagram. YouTube account is for showing longer videos from races as well as hosting the pathway videos. Fitness training sessions, coach support at snow dome races and other races in the central belt. Every trainee benefits from free race support at selected races in the central belt. Masters training available to sign up 3 terms And a new summer camp format (with climbing, biking, trail running, roller ski, trampolining and a superb group of coaches. Masters training available to sign up as 3 terms. And a new summer camp format (With climbing, biking, trail running, roller ski, trampolining and a superb groups of coaches)

19 LSR coaches in 2018 Monday lead coach Nick Mckelvey Wednesday lead coach Emma Erskine Appointment of performance coach - Callum Henderson Coach development fund for coaches to work through their courses: - Callum H working towards ukcp 3, - Erik R achieved ukcp level 1. Also coach CPD night and ongoing support.

20 LSR in 2019 The level 2 & 3 certificates are under development and should be published along with video by end of this year. This is mainly directed towards u10/12. Snowsport Scotland Training Centre status. Developing options for u14/16 trainees by offering instructor courses that are integrated into the current training as well, as promoting uptake of instructor & coaching courses at weekends & in holidays.

21 Committee Resignations
Helen Ferguson Cheryl Johnston Gillian Watson Gavin Mitchell (1 year tenure)

22 Committee Elections Proposals for membership
Jason Cockburn Stewart Spence William Gillespie Proposal for re- election for membership Lynn Greenshields Ali Hay Richard Travers Morvern Lucas Stuart Dempster

23 AOB

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