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Cold War The Start.

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1 Cold War The Start

2 Motivation “The Soviets can not be trusted to prevent communist revolution throughout Europe and Asia. We must treat them (Soviets) with a critical eye. All of our actions cannot be shared with Stalin for fear that he will turn against us.” -President Harry Truman at the Potsdam Conference , 1945 “The U.S. repeatedly worked for our downfall. Every action it took since the beginning of the war had prevented us from succeeding. The United States will now allow is to maintain nations friendly to our system of government on our borders. Therefore, relations with them can never be on good terms.” - Joseph Stalin, 1946

3 U.S. and Soviet Propaganda
“Ism” [U.S. anti-Communism propaganda] vs. “The Millionaire” [Soviet anti-imperialist/capitalist propaganda] What is the message of the propaganda? Do you believe that what is said has truth to it? Which perspective do you think is more accurate? Explain. Should we have the same fears today? Arguments?

4 What are these quotes telling us?
Why would these important men have such feelings? How can these views help us to better understand the Cold War? Based on these views, who is more to blame? Based on our discussion, what question can we ask about the Cold War?

5 Aim: Who was responsible for the “Cold War?”
Key Terms: Containment Stalin Iron Curtain Truman Potsdam Conference (1945) George Kennan Yalta Conference (1945) Churchill Essential Questions: Did the U.S. and the Soviet Union make decisions that perpetuated the cold war? What would have ended the cold war, in your opinion? Explain!

6 1947 – 1991

7 Winston Churchill, “Iron Curtain” Speech, March 5, 1946 “Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent of Europe. Behind that line lie all the countries of Central and Eastern Europe...”

8 Potsdam Conference “The Big Three”
Churchill, Truman, Stalin


10 “Truman Doctrine Speech,” delivered by President Truman to Congress, 3/12/1947
“At the present moment in world history nearly every nation must choose between alternative ways of life... One way of life is based upon free institutions, representative government, free elections, guarantees of individual liberty, freedom of speech and religion. The second way of life is based upon the will of a minority forcibly imposed upon the majority. It relies on terror and oppression, a controlled press and radio, fixed elections, and the suppression of personal freedoms. I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples.”



13 Clark Clifford, Memorandum to President Truman, 1946
“Soviet leaders are preparing to take over new areas… In order to maintain our strength, the United States must be prepared to wage atomic and biological warfare…the United States should [also] support and assist all democratic countries which are endangered by the USSR. Providing military support in case of attack is a last resort; a more effective barrier (stop) to communism is strong economic support. Trade agreements, loans and technical missions strengthen our ties with friendly nations.


15 Activity Project Directions: You are working for the propaganda departments for the following super power. You task is to create a propaganda pamphlet to persuade the people in your country that your rival superpower is responsible for the growing tensions between the two nations. Select a visual from the front of the room to include in your pamphlet. Read document included in your folders. Create a title. Create caption or slogan to accompany the visual Include at least two facts from today’s handout to support your argument in an informative yet creative way . Include at least two facts from the document to support your argument in an informative yet creative way .   Your pamphlet should be informative, persuasive, and creative! Work together and have fun!

16 Directions: You are working for the propaganda departments for the following super power. Your task is to create a propaganda pamphlet to persuade the people in your country that your rival superpower is responsible for the growing tensions between the two nations. Select a visual from the front of documents to include in your pamphlet. Read document included in your folders. Create a title. Create caption or slogan to accompany the visual Include at least two facts from today’s handout to support your argument in an informative yet creative way . Include at least two facts from the document to support your argument in an informative yet creative way .  

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