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Energy Review Test Tomorrow.

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1 Energy Review Test Tomorrow

2 Instructions: You are allowed to use any notes/worksheet.
You will be given extra credit, based on your completion and correctness.

3 1) In the formula , which quantity is measured in units of J/g·°C?
a. c c. Q b. m d. ΔT

4 2) An object’s gravitational potential energy is NOT directly related to which of the following?
a. its height relative to a reference level its mass its speed d. gravity

5 3) The kinetic energy of the pendulum bob above, increases the most between which locations
a. A and B. c. B and D. b. A and C. d. C and D.

6 4) Which of the following devices is based on the property of thermal expansion?
a. balance c. convection oven b. calorimeter d. thermometer

7 5) A 26-kg sled is moving at a velocity of
6 m/s. Which variable would increase the kinetic energy the most? a. mass c. distance b. velocity d. none of the above

8 6) Which type of energy is a type of potential energy
a. solar c. magnetic b. gravitational d. hydroelectric

9 7) In the formula , which quantity represents the thermal energy?
a. c c. Q b. m d. Δ T

10 8) The energy of motion is called
kinetic energy. potential energy. c. thermal energy. d. work.

11 9) Which of the following states that absolute zero cannot be reached?
a. the first law of thermodynamics b. the second law of thermodynamics c. the third law of thermodynamics d. the second and third laws of thermodynamics

12 10) Which is the best thermal insulator:
a. Water c. Wood b. Styrofoam d. glass

13 11) A 8-kilogram cat is resting on top of a bookshelf that is 6 meters high. What is the cat’s gravitational potential energy relative to the floor? a J c. 29J b. 118 J d. 7 J

14 12) If no friction acts on a diver during a dive, then which of the following statements is true?
a. The diver will lose its kinetic energy when it hits the water. b. Potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy but not vice versa. c. (KE+ PE)beginning = (KE + PE)end d. all of the above

15 13) The total potential and kinetic energy of all the microscopic particles in an object make up its
a. chemical energy. c. nuclear energy. b. electric energy. d. thermal energy.

16 14) A small 45-kilogram canoe is floating downriver at a speed of 4 m/s. What is the canoe’s kinetic energy? a. 22 J c. 360 J b. 180 J d. 400 J

17 15) The specific heat of copper is 0. 385 J/g·°C
15) The specific heat of copper is J/g·°C. Which equation would you use to calculate the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of m g of copper from 8°C to 19°C? a. Q = 0.75g x J/g·°C x 8°C b. Q = 0.75g x J/g·°C x 19°C c. Q = 0.75g x J/g·°C x (19°C-8°C) d. Q = x J/g·°C x (19°C – 8°C)

18 16) The second law of thermodynamics states that thermal energy can flow from colder objects to hotter objects by convection. only if work is done on the system. c. spontaneously. d. when thermal expansion takes place.

19 17) Heat is the transfer of thermal energy from one object to another because of a difference in
a. specific heat. phase. c. temperature d. waste heat.

20 18) What is transferred by doing work on an object?
a. force c. motion b. mass d. energy

21 19) Energy from the sun reaches Earth mostly by
a. conduction. c. radiation. b. convection. d. thermal expansion.

22 20. A 200kg boulder is 4000m above the ground.
a) What is its potential energy at this point? b) What is its Kinetic energy at this point? c) The boulder begins to fall. What is its potential energy 2000m above the ground? d) What is the boulders kinetic energy 2000m above the ground? e) What is the speed of the boulder 2000m above the ground? f) What is the potential energy right before it hits the ground? g) What is the kinetic energy right before it hits the ground?


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