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Presentation on theme: "Microscopes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microscopes

2 Compound Light Microscope
Used for very thin (transparent )samples Uses a two lens arrangement to magnify image Magnification is calculated by multipling the ocular magnification times the objective magnification 400x is usually the max


4 Electron Microscopes Uses a beam of electrons to magnify the image
Much more powerful than the light microscope 2 types of electron microscopes Transmission Scanning

5 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
Specimens must be dead Can magnify up to 200,000x Electrons are used to project images on a fluorescent screen Can see structures in side the cell (mitochondria, chloroplast)

6 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
Magnifies to 100,000x Uses electrons refracted off of metal to magnify image Shows the 3-D shape of the specimen

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