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Governance, Local Government A Conceptual Framework

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1 Governance, Local Government A Conceptual Framework
PIA 2528 Governance, Local Government and Civil Society Civil Society: A Conceptual Framework

2 Governance More South African Satire

3 Post-Industrial Social and Economic Patterns

4 Governance, an Overview of Issues
Basic Terms: The Environment of Development (Review) Governance Manner in which the state is created, modified or overthrown Local Government Primary unit of government that has both political leadership and bureaucratic structures Civil Society Associations and organizations that are beyond the clan and the family and short of the state (does not include state organs or for profit sector)

5 Discussion Themes Governance Local Governance Civil Society
Which Theme is most important?

6 Review- Discussion of Themes
Democratic Governance and Institutional State Rule of Law Transparency Security Competitive Elections and Political Parties

7 Discussion of Themes, Continued
Devolved Local Government Institutional Processes Interest articulation and aggregation (Competition Civil Society- Mediation and Social Capital

8 The Development Model: Civil Society
Local Governance and Civil Society Grass Roots Decentralization Diagram



11 Hamilton, Madison and Jay

12 Madison, Hamilton and Jay and Civil Society
Federalist Papers Fear of Populism Minority rights Shifting majorities The problem with majorities Tyranny Factions

13 Tyranny?

14 Social Mediation

15 Polyarchy: The Conceptual Framework
Competitive Pluralism Diverse interest associations of society compete with each other over policy issues Basis of Economic and Political Competition Social vs. Economic Liberalism

16 Social vs. Economic Liberalism? The Difference?

17 Polyarchy: Six Principles-Summary
Interest Group Liberalism Solve problem of zero-sum game Civil Society as organizational not individual or the mass. The need for apathy Institutional structures: Checks and balances Constitutional vs. social stability

18 Civil Society: The Base Point
Civil Society- Networks of organizations, groups and individuals pursuing socio-economic interests Base point- Governance vs. interests (negative and positive) Relationship to Private sector

19 A Positive Image

20 Review: Civil Society The Nature of the Beast:
Non-Profits Not for Profits Private Voluntary Organizations Community Based Organizations Civics

21 Nature of the Beast-Continued
Foundations Associations Interest Groups Quangos

22 Philanthropy?

23 Nature of the Beast The University of Pittsburgh is a Non-Profit
“They are not always small”

24 Five Caveats: Civil Society Groups
Usually excludes “for profits”- issue of contractors Both International and Local Internationals are not universally loved Very often internationals are religious or charity based Focus has been primarily on relief rather than development or civil society goals Often serve as Contractors?

25 Civil Society and Corruption

26 The Problem: Our Quote of the Week
George Orwell, Burmese Days "Why is it you are always abusing the pukka sahibs as you call them. They are the salt of the earth. Consider the great administrators who have made British India what it is.” The Issue: History, Empire and Civil Society Colonial Burma and Civil Society in Myanmar Authoritarian Legacies and Governance (Lack of Civil Society Groups)

27 1923 Burma Provincial Police Training School, Mandalay (Eric Blair standing third from the left)

28 Save the Victims of the Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar (2008)- Non-Profit Coordination
Opened Up League for Democracy and Aung San Suu Kyi Rohingya Muslims Which is the Real Burma?

29 Types of “Development” NGOs
1. Philanthropy 2. Humanitarian Assistance War, Drought, Agricultural Failure (WWI) Relief and Welfare Societies- Disaster- 3. Populist based development agencies (national)

30 German Missionaries in Southwest Africa, 1910 (now Namibia)- Faith Based

31 “Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe”

32 Types of “Development” NGOs
4. Grassroots associations (local or village based): Focus on Rural Development 5. Advocacy groups: Democracy and Governance 6. Public Service Contractors and Grantees 7. INCLUDES FOR PROFITS

33 ARD-Associates in Rural Development and MSI- Management Systems International (For Profits)

34 International NGOs- Weaknesses
1. Lack of local legitimacy 2. Donor driven 3. Inefficiency 4. Amateurism- leadership and continuity problems 5. Staffing problems

35 Amateurism?

36 International NGOs- Weaknesses
6. Self-serving- own objectives: Faith Based 7. Fixation on projects- Problems of replication 8. Lack of perceived accountability 9. Learning problems/lack of institutional memory

37 Thousand Points of Light
George Bush, appearing with victim’s rights advocate Doris Tate at a ceremony in which Tate was named as one of the thousand points of light.

38 International NGOs- Weaknesses
10. Tensions with government institutions- Politically threatening 11. Ties with existing local elites 12. Inability of humanitarian organizations to transfer to new development orientation

39 Politically Threatening NGOs
Kenya, 2008- 2009


41 Contracts

42 Nature of Contracts Legally Binding: NOT GRANTS Mutual Consent
Sufficiency met Force Majeure Quantifiable Deliverables

43 Structural Adjustment, 1983-2012
Financial Conditionalities to Restructure Debt (Currency Markets) Public Sector Reform Privatization and Non-Profit development management “Popular Capitalism” VIDEO

44 Contractors


46 And Foreign Aid?

47 The Twenty-First Century Paradigm ???
VIDEO The Twenty-First Century Paradigm ???

48 And now for a Bit of Advertising
ASA Social Fund for Hidden Children

49 Types of Democracy and Civil Society Representation
Cooperative Movements (or Corporatism) Diverse interest associations cooperate with each other and with organs of the state to make policy Scandinavian Social Corporatism Model for Public-Private Partnerships?

50 Nyhavn Tourist Area: Copenhagen Denmark- A Corporate Public Private Partnership

51 Public-Private Partnerships
U.S. Parallel: Western Pennsylvania Conservancy

52 Public-Private Partnerships
Non-Profits Number in W. PA in tens of thousands and deliver up to two-thirds of the social services of the County in several different sectors


54 Understanding the Public Sector of Allegheny County
Allegheny County is made up of 130 townships and boroughs. Each of these has its own public manager and council. The city of Pittsburgh is part of this mix of local government. Several Thousand non-profits Operating Budget for the County for 2003 is $654 million. This budget provides for such services as: Children and Youth Services Jail/County Police Port Authority District attorney coroner

55 Demographics of Allegheny County
Total population 1,281,666 84% White 12% African American 1.7% Asian 1% Hispanic 1/10 of 1% Native American 18% 65+ 6% under 5 years old

56 Financial Links: Public- Private

57 Public Private Partnerships: The International Context
Defined: Partnerships (formal or informal) between: Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Governments, (National, Local) Donors (International and Private), AND Private- Business Sector.

58 Public Private Partnerships
Origins- Use in International Development a. International Donors- Way of Dealing with Umbrella Grants and implementation of development policies b. Accepting donor money means accepting donor principles

59 Public Private Partnerships
a. Comes out of Structural Adjustment and Policy Reform (re. LDCs) b. Seen by some as an alternative to Contracting Out- Others as part of it c. Critics see it as detrimental to a market approach to economic change d. Others see it as “Left Wing” Privatization

60 The Latest Phase?

61 Public Private Partnerships: Characteristics
Targeted at the expansion of Social Capital and Synergy in the promotion of Economic and Social Development Seeks a holistic or Integrated Approach to Economic and Social Development from a Civil Society Perspective Involves informal processes, cultural sensitivities as well as legal norms and contracting principles.

62 Public Private Partnerships (PPPs)
Supporting Factors in the International Context:   1. Democratic Governance- private sector and NGOs seen as legitimate actors; transparency, accountability and responsiveness 2. Rational Government- Merit Principles, anti-corruption environment, acceptance of non-state actors as service deliverers. Contracting Out

63 Public Private Partnerships- Factors
Factors that Support PPPs  3. Decentralization- Subsidiarity: Governance devolved to the lowest levels capable of implementation and contracting out 4. Legal Frameworks- Acceptance of Contractual Agreement as the basic organizational relationship


65 Public Private Partnerships-Factors
5. Institutional Norms, Organizational Capacity and regularized principles of inter-organizational interaction. Requires high levels of capacity building 6. Requires Social and Economic Stability 7. Organizational flexibility across all sectors

66 Example of Foreign Aid Links

67 Example of Foreign Aid Links

68 USAID Cooperative Agreement AEG-A-00-05-00007-00- Political Parties Project and Governance Group

69 Public Private Partnerships- Factors
8. Social and Institutional Pluralism- win-win rather than zero sum game across social, ethnic, religious and racial groups 9. Social Networks exist at Grass roots, and intermediate as well as higher levels of government-See diagram below 10. Allows for Flat Management Systems

70 Discussion From the Church of the Little Flower Royal Oak, Michigan

71 Discussion of Reading: One
Levitsky and Ziblatt, Chapter Two 1. What is “Dystopian Literature”? 2. What is the theme of Chapter Two? 3. Does the U.S. need “gatekeepers?” 4. Could America become Authoritarian?

72 Discussion: Two Dahl, Chapter 2 1. What is wrong with Populism? With an absolute majority 2. Is the U.S. a democracy? Denmark France and U.K.? 3. What are the ethical issues related to governance? Is some form of minority veto needed?

73 Discussion: Three: Zakaria, Chapter Two
Central Europe: “The Reds and the Blacks.” Symbols of What? What was the difference between Germany and Britain? Was Europe almost Democratic? Explain. Is Poverty Anti-Democratic? Why or Why not? Is Earned Money Different? Is state expansion undemocratic? What is China’s test, according to Zakaria? Central Europe: “The Reds and the Blacks.” Symbols of What? What was the difference between Germany and Britain? Was Europe almost Democratic? Explain. Is Poverty Anti-Democratic? Why or Why not? Is Earned Money Different? Is state expansion undemocratic? What is China’s test, according to Zakaria?

74 Discussion Four Duodu, “The Tax Dodger”
What is the image you get from this Story? What was the first ”crime” and how was it justified. What is a “Poll Tax?” What is its Purpose? What is the role of Taxes in LDCs?

75 Discussion Five Dixon, Chapter 3
1. Why is Imperial literature important? What is Dixon’s message? What is the message about being different given to children? Is Dixon’s essay relevant for Americans?

76 Discussion Questions, Comments?

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