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GOES -12 Imager April 4, 2002 GOES-12 Imager - pre-launch info - radiances - products Timothy J. Schmit et al.

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Presentation on theme: "GOES -12 Imager April 4, 2002 GOES-12 Imager - pre-launch info - radiances - products Timothy J. Schmit et al."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOES -12 Imager April 4, 2002 GOES-12 Imager pre-launch info radiances products Timothy J. Schmit et al.

2 GOES-12 X-ray image of the Sun was taken by the SXI instrument onboard GOES-12

3 Spectral ranges for the GOES-8 (top bars) and GOES-M (bottom bars) Imagers. The GOES-8 bars also represent GOES-9 through GOES-11, while the GOES-M bars represent the imagers through GOES-P. A sample high spectral-resolution earth emitted spectra is also plotted.

4 GOES μm

5 GOES-8 Imager data -- native perspective

6 GOES-12 Imager data -- native perspective

7 GOES-12 Imager comparisons
The improved spatial resolution on the water vapor images from GOES-12 are evident (4 km detectors, as opposed to the 8 km detectors). After accounting for spectral response differences, the imager brightness temperatures are similar to those from operational satellites. Figure from Scoot B. The improved spatial resolution on the water vapor images from GOES-12 are evident. For the water vapor band, GOES-12 has 4 km detectors, as opposed to the 8 km detectors on GOES-8/11. Other image differences include viewing geometry and spectral response function widths. For a loop of images comparing GOES-12 and GOES-8 http// Figure from Mat G. Researchers at the CIMSS compared the GOES-12 Imager to GOES-10 Imager at the mid-point between satellites (0N, 112.5W) on November 6, 2001 at 0900 UTC when the two imagers shared the same schedule. The results show good agreement in bands 2 (4 um), 3 (6.7/6.5 um), and 4 (11 um) when the spectral responses are taken into account. This was done by calculating the forward model brightness temperature for each of these bands on both instruments for the tropical standard atmosphere for a local zenith angle of 25 degrees. The forward model brightness temperatures were subtracted from the averaged measured brightness temperatures for a 961 pixel box centered at 0N, 112.5W which then yields brightness temperature differences (GOES-12 minus GOES-10) of -0.4 K, 0.1 K, and -0.2 K in bands 2, 3, and 4 respectively.

8 Examples of the improved water vapor imagery on GOES-12 The improved spatial resolution on the water vapor images from GOES-12 is evident in comparisons with GOES-10 and GOES-8. Water vapor boundaries appear smoother on GOES-12, and small scale features such as mountain waves are better resolved. For the water vapor band, GOES-12 has 4 km detectors, as opposed to the 8 km detectors on GOES-8/11, although image differences are also due to viewing geometry and the different spectral response function widths. Image examples comparing GOES-12 to GOES-10 and GOES-8 (including a Java animation) can be viewed at http// html (S. Bachmeier, T. Schmit)

9 GOES-12 GOES-10 Both water vapor images are shown in their native projections.

10 Average satellite brightness temperatures measured over the mountain wave signature region were about 3 degrees K warmer on GOES-12 than on GOES-10 or GOES-08. Similarly, using the GOES-12, GOES-10 and GOES-08 weighting functions calculated from the 19 September 00:00 UTC Albuquerque NM rawinsonde profile, the theoretical water vapor channel brightness temperatures at that point should have been about 3.5 degrees warmer on GOES-12 than on GOES-10 or GOES-08.

11 GOES-12 Imager -- Visible
A GOES-12 Imager Full Disk visible image. GOES-12 Imager -- Visible

12 GOES-12 Imager -- IR window
A GOES-12 Imager Full Disk IR window image GOES-12 Imager -- IR window

13 A GOES-12 Imager Full Disk CO2 image
A GOES-12 Imager Full Disk CO2 image. Note this is before the scan mirror emissivity corrections. GOES-12 Imager µm

14 GOES-12 Imager -- Cloud Top Pressure
A preliminary GOES-12 Imager Full Disk cloud-top pressure image. There’s also good correlation with GOES-8 images (not shown). The lack of the 12 um may impact finding some low clouds. Possible uses: NWP assimilation Aviation interests ASOS support cloud climatology GOES-12 Imager -- Cloud Top Pressure

15 GOES-12 Sounder -- Cloud Top Pressure
A GOES-12 Sounder Full Disk CTP image. Note the smaller spatial coverage. Also note the good correlation with the Imager product. GOES-12 Sounder -- Cloud Top Pressure

16 Cloud Top Pressure comparisons
All images have been remapped into the same projection. Cloud Top Pressure comparisons

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