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Assessment of the Energy Savings Potential of Daylight Utilization and its Impact on a Building Energy Performance Hermano Bernardo Vienna, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment of the Energy Savings Potential of Daylight Utilization and its Impact on a Building Energy Performance Hermano Bernardo Vienna, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment of the Energy Savings Potential of Daylight Utilization and its Impact on a Building Energy Performance Hermano Bernardo Vienna, 2010

2 Energy efficiency in buildings – some challanges
Reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gases emissions Optimizing Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems Optimizing artificial lighting systems: Maximizing the use of natural lighting

3 Energy efficiency in buildings – some challanges
Ensuring good indoor air quality (IAQ): Adequate ventilation with filtration Thermal comfort Evaluating the energy performance: Determining the energy efficiency classification 3 3

4 Buildings: 29% of final energy Buildings: 62% of electricity
Portuguese energy outlook Buildings: % of final energy Buildings: % of electricity Source: DGEG, 2006

5 Legal impositions European Directive 2002/91/EC: Energy Performance of Buildings (EPBD) SCE - Sistema Nacional de Certificação Energética e da Qualidade do Ar Interior nos Edifícios (Decreto-Lei n.º 78/2006) RSECE - Regulamento dos Sistemas Energéticos de Climatização em Edifícios (Decreto-Lei n.º 79/2006) RCCTE - Regulamento das Características de Comportamento Térmico dos Edifícios (Decreto-Lei n.º 80/2006)

6 Portuguese regulations – application
RCCTE Residential buildings; Small services buildings without central HVAC systems, or P ≤ 25 kW; Basis for the simplified methodology – certification of existing buildings. RSECE Services buildings: Large (>1000 m2 or 500 m2); Small with HVAC (P > 25kW). Residential buildings with HVAC systems, P > 25kW

7 Case study – Canteen Building
Location: Leiria Climate zone: I2V1Norte Main façade: SE Year of construction: 2005 Element U [W/m2.ºC] External wall 0,50 Ground floor 2,50 Flat roof 1,60 Pitched roof 0,85 Glazing description U [W/m2.ºC] Double glazed aluminum window (6+10+4) mm 3,74

8 Methodology Development of a computational model of the building
Model calibration Full energy audit Detailed characterization of the actual operating conditions of the building e.g. Occupation, equipments, lighting, temperature regulation... Simulation of nominal consumptions Using reference patterns, rather than actual occupation, equipments and lighting profiles and densities A climate data file is needed Determination of the Ieenom index and assignment of the Energy Class

9 Calculation of IEE index
IEE – Energy efficiency index [kgoe/m2]; FCI – Correction factor for heating; FCV – Correction factor for cooling; Qaq – Energy used for heating [kgoe/year]; Qarr – Energy used for cooling [kgoe/year]; Qout – Energy used for other purposes [kgoe/ano]; Ap – Net floor surface [m2].

10 Building energy simulation
Set of parameters has to be defined: e.g. working hours diagrams for lighting, occupation, equipments, air changes, ventilation equipments, heating and cooling temperatures Confort conditions: Heating season: air temperature of 20ºC Cooling season : 25ºC with 50% relative humidity Primary energy conversion factors 0,290 kgoe/kWh for electricity 0,086 kgoe/kWh for natural gas

11 Building energy simulation
Simulation tool – DesignBuilder for EnergyPlus: Climatic data; Definition of the geometry and thermal zones to be included in simulation; Building envelope characterization; Internal loads definition; Parameters of infiltration and ventilation systems; Environmental control definitions. 11

12 Construction surface [m2]
Building model Floor Construction surface [m2] Net surface [m2] 1.074 854 1 894 633 Total 1.968 1.487

13 Simulated consumption
Model calibration Comparison between annual energy consumptions Energy type Measured consumption Simulated consumption Deviation [kgoe] [%] Electricity 57.982 52.942 -8,7% Natural gas 23.205 24.455 +5,4% TOTAL 81.187 77.397 -4,7%

14 Base case simulation Energy usage Electricity Thermal energy Total
[kWh] [kgoe] Lighting 31.355 9.093 Equipments 54.177 46.510 Heating 55.587 4.780 Others 6.888 17.013 TOTAL 77.397

15 Lighting systems optimization simulation
Energy usage Electricity Thermal energy Total [kWh] [kgoe] Lighting 23.494 6.813 Equipments 54.177 46.510 Heating 57.851 4.975 Others 6.888 17.013 TOTAL 75.312

16 Lighting optimization
Comparison of results – primary energy Energy usage Base case Lighting optimization Reduction [kgoe] [%] Lighting 9.093 6.813 25,1 Equipments 46.510 0,0 Heating 4.780 4.975 -4,1 Others 17.013 TOTAL 77.397 75.312 2,7 Energy for lighting systems reduced in 25% but, due thermal load reduction, energy for heating increased in 4%.

17 Annual energy savings potential
Cost reduction Investment Pay-back time [kgoe] [€] [years] Repercussion on electricity consumption 2.280 708 ~3.000 ~5 Repercussion on natural gas consumption -195 -121 Globally, there is an energy saving potential of 2.085kgoe, which means a total cost reduction of 587€ and a reduction in CO2 emissions of kgCO2e.

18 Energy labelling of the case study building
Full simulations were performed under two scenarios: Reference case; Maximization the use of natural lighting. Energy Class Limits A+ IEEnom 95,25 A 103,5 B 111,75 B- 120 C 136,5 D 153 E 169,5 F 186 G

19 Energy consumption [kgoe]
Reference case - with nominal profiles Heating Cooling Others Energy consumption [kgoe] 35.217 20.078 IEE = 104,89 kgoe/m2 Class B

20 Energy consumption [kgoe]
Maximization of the use of natural lighting Heating Cooling Others Energy consumption [kgoe] 36.049 19.737 IEE = 100,59 kgoe/m2 Class A

21 Conclusions A lighting control system that maximizes the use of natural lighting leads to a considerable reduction of the IEEnom index and the building becomes a Class A building. During the winter, artificial lighting systems can be beneficial and should always be taken into account when performing simulations and sizing HVAC systems, as they represent a thermal load which contributes to the building’s heating. During the summer, lighting systems should also be considered, this time because they represent an extra load that must be removed by the cooling system, in case of its existence. Computational simulation enables the comparison beforehand, in terms of energy performance and thermal comfort, of different alternatives.

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