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Kimmons Junior High School

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1 Kimmons Junior High School
School Year

2 Administrative Team Principal- Dr. Christopher Johnson
Assistant Principal- Jared Meyers (A-L) Assistant Principal- Joni Wilbanks (M-Z)

3 Counselors Shauna Cox (A-L) Rachael Daniel (M-Z)

4 Mission of Kimmons The mission of Kimmons Junior High School is to create a dynamic environment which motivates both students and adults to achieve higher levels of learning.

5 Kimmons Enrollment Data
Total Enrollment:801 7th Grade: 290 8th Grade: 265 9th Grade: 246 Free and Reduced Lunch Status: 94.8%

6 2016-2017 ACT Aspire Categories
In Need of Support Close Ready Exceeding

7 7th Grade Aspire Results English
Exceeding- 38% Ready- 31% Close- 25% In Need of Support- 6%

8 7th Grade Aspire Results Reading
Exceeding- 4% Ready- 25% Close- 29% In Need of Support- 42%

9 7th Grade Aspire Science
Exceeding- 12% Ready- 15% Close- 24% In Need of Support- 49%

10 7thGrade Math Exceeding- 5% Ready- 22% Close- 40%
In Need of Support- 33%

11 8th Grade Aspire English Results
Exceeding- 40% Ready-27% Close-16% In Need of Support- 18%

12 8th Grade Aspire Reading
Exceeding- 13% Ready- 31% Close- 26% In Need of Support- 31%

13 8th Grade Aspire Science
Exceeding- 12% Ready-16% Close- 25% In Need of Support- 47%

14 8th Grade Aspire Math Exceeding- 10% Ready-22% Close-30%
In Need of Support 38%

15 9th Grade Aspire English
Exceeding- 20% Ready- 26% Close-26% In Need of Support- 28%

16 9th Grade Aspire Reading
Exceeding- 12% Ready- 17% Close- 27% In Need of Support- 44%

17 9th Grade Aspire Science
Exceeding- 7% Ready- 15% Close- 31% In Need of Support- 47%

18 9th Grade Aspire Math Exceeding- 9% Ready- 13% Close- 23%
In Need of Support- 56%

19 2018-2019 Focus High Expectations for all Scholars
Data Driven (Increase Test Scores) Increase Teacher Collaboration Reduce Discipline by implementing the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports System Increase Parental Involvement Have an active and vibrant PTSA Increase Community Partnerships

20 Clubs and Organizations
Golden Knights Golden Jewels Community Mentoring FBLA National Honor Society Student Council Raider Reps Partners in Christ Quiz Bowl Chess Club

21 Clubs and Organizations
Junior Optimist Cheer Dance Mi Futuro College Project Band Choir Orchestra

22 Sports Football Cross County Girls and Boys Basketball
Girls and Boys Track Girls and Boys Soccer

23 Dresscode Students are allowed to wear shorts
Shorts and skirts must be at least mid thigh around the entire leg Please review student handbook for all other dresscode procedures

24 Attendance 7 Period Day Attendance is tracked by period
Students currently have 4 minutes to transition between each class 5 Parent Permission Days 4 Unexcused Absences

25 Test Calendar ACT Aspire Testing ELPA 21 for all ELL’s
Interim assessments (3 per year) Semester Exams First Semester Second Semester

26 Computer Technology 1-1 Conversion
Fort Smith Digital Conversion Booklet Signed Contract for your child Digital Conversion Video

27 Title One Currently School is at 94% free or Reduced Lunch
School Wide Planning Committee Math Interventions Literacy Interventions Parental Involvement Opportunities

28 Parent and Student 101 Lockers and Locks- Students are required to buy a lock from the school. Locks are $6.00. ID Cards- Students must have their ID card with them at all times for use in the library cafeteria and school functions. The first card is free. Students can purchase replacement cards for $2.00 in the library. Meals- Breakfast is free to all students. Students on the free/reduced program will be allowed to continue until a new application is processed.

29 Parent and Student 101 Grades- Parents and students can check grades on-line using the Home Access Center linked to the Kimmons Website. Interims- Interim reports will be sent out midway through each quarter Report Cards- Report cards are distributed after each quarter Transportation- Bus route schedules can be accessed from the Kimmons Website.

30 Kimmons Junior High School 2018-19
Individually we are different Together we are Kimmons Junior High School. Any questions please feel free to contact me at

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