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Presentation on theme: "ENZYMES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Chemical Reaction- Process that changes or transforms one set of chemicals into another.
Reactants- elements or compounds that enter into a chemical reaction (rxn) Products- Elements or compounds produced by a chemical reaction (rxn)

3 Chemical reactions involve change in the chemical bonds that join atoms in compounds.

4 Activation Energy Energy that is needed to get a reaction started

5 Spontaneous Rxn vs. Non-spontaneous
A reaction that occurs spontaneously releases energy. A reaction that does not occur spontaneously absorbs energy.

6 Catalyst Substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical rxn. Lowers activation energy

7 Enzymes Enzymes- protein that speeds up chemical reactions within the body by lowering energy needed for reaction.

8 Enzymes provide a site where reactants called substrates, can be brought together to react. The substrates bind to a site on the enzyme called the active site, forming an enzyme-substrate complex. This reduces the activation energy needed for the rxn.

9 Factors that Inhibit Enzymes
Temperature pH Salt Lactose Intolerant- lacking an enzyme, lactase, so the sugar lactose (found in dairy) cannot be broken causing upset stomach.

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