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Community Analysis for Strategic Planning

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1 Community Analysis for Strategic Planning
Chad R. Miller Ph.D. Professor of Economic Development College of Business & Economic Development

2 Strategic Planning Model A B C D E
Where we are Where we want to be How we will do it How are we doing Assessment Baseline Components Down to Specifics Evaluate Environmental Scan Situation – Past, Present and Future Mission & Vision Performance Measurement Performance Management Background Information Significant Issues Values / Guiding Principles Targets / Standards of Performance Review Progress – Balanced Scorecard Situational Analysis Align / Fit with Capabilities Major Goals Initiatives and Projects Take Corrective Actions The Overall Model consists of five major phases SWOT – Strength’s, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats Gaps Specific Objectives Action Plans Feedback upstream – revise plans Source: Strategy-as-Story: The ABCDE Model

3 Chap 3-5. International Economic Development Council (2016)
Chap 3-5. International Economic Development Council (2016). Economic Development Strategic Planning IEDC: Washington, DC.

4 IEDC -Economic Base Analysis
Location Quotients Shift share analysis Multipliers Input-output analysis of key industries Identification of industry clusters Prosperity Index = Wage Growth/Job Growth Per capita tax digest= Tax Revenue/Population Include 2 Reports Finished Earlier Retail Analysis Target Industry Analysis

5 Conduct an economic inventory for a community including absolute change, percentage change, and cross area analysis for: Community growth and change Net migration Population under 18 Population above 65 Population by race and gender Population by geographic area Self-sufficiency Per capita income Population below poverty level Housing sales and foreclosures Educational attainment Workforce Employment Unemployment rate Available workforce Labor force participation rate Occupational mix Economic base Number or share of employees by industry sector Net change in business by industry Wages by industry sectors Patents by industry Industry demographics Retail sales Knowledge-based Resources Fed labs, universities, etc The Triad Human Capital Infrastructure Physical Infrastructure Public Policy Infrastructure Quality of Life

6 QOP Metrics-General Natural amenities Creative class
Third places per capita Violent crimes Property crimes USDA Natural Amenities Scale EMSI (occupation group) U.S. Census FactFinder FBI report Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Food Services and Drinking Places Personal and Laundry Services Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations Libraries Total Third Places Third Places per Capita

7 QOP Metrics-Housing & Healthcare
County health rankings Health professional shortage areas (HPSAs) Small area health insurance estimates Total households Single female headed households Rented versus owner occupied households Inversion into urban from rural areas Median home value Median household income Eviction Rate Source County Health Rankings & Roadmaps HPSA DatawareHouse U. S. Census Bureau Small Area Health Insurance Estimates U.S. Census FactFinder Htaindex Eviction Lab

8 QOP Metrics-Infrastructure
Digital Divide Index (DDI) H+T Index: transportation costs % income for the regional typical household; annual transportation costs for the regional typical household; annual vehicle miles traveled (VMT) per household for the regional typical household NACo: structurally deficient bridges Public Transit PurdueEdu htaindex NACo County Explorer OnTheMap

9 Policom MSA Economic Strength Rankings
2014 Picayune: 351 Columbus: 11 Natchez: 455 Source:

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