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1 Finite set and Infinite Set Click when ready 
Stand SW 100 Click when ready  Finite set and Infinite Set

2 We will chake the answer

3 Chake answer Exercises 1.1 Page 6
2) Which of following ,find number of element 1) B = {1234} n(B) = 1 2)C= {a,b,c,de,f,gh,ijk} n(C) = 7 3) D = {x/x is a positive number between 10 and 20} n(D) = 9 4) G= {x/x is a positive number less than 0} n(G) = 0

4 Chake answer Exercises 1.1 Page 6
3.Write the following in the set-builder form 1) N={1,3,5} N = {x /x is a opsitive odd number beginning 1 to 5} 2) P = {…,-2,-1,0,1,2,…} P = {x/x is a integer number} 3) R ={1,4,9,16,25,36,…} 4) R ={10,20,30,…} T = {x/x = 10n and n is a positive integer}

5 P={plasma television models with flat sceen leghths more than 36 inch}
Example P={plasma television models with flat sceen leghths more than 36 inch}

6 B={x/x is an even number 0 < x < 10 }
Example B={x/x is an even number 0 < x < 10 }

7 Example w={days of the week beginning with the letter”T”}

8 Example Listing the elements of a set
For each of the set, list all the elements in the set. (a) S is the set of square numbers greater than 0 but less than 101 Solution (a) The square numbers greater than 0 but less than S = {1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100}

9 Example Listing the elements of a set
For each of the set, list all the elements in the set. b) P is the set of polygons with less than nine sides Solution b) P is the set of polygons with less than nine P = {triangle,quadrelateral,pentagon,hexagon,heptagon,octagon}

10 Example Listing the elements of a set
For each of the set, list all the elements in the set. c) A is the set of leters in triantiwantigongolop. Solution c) A is the set of leters in A = {a,g,i,l,n,o,p,r,t,w}

11 Let’s Try It Now List the elements of each of the following sets
C is the set of cube numbers less than 1000. C={1,8,27,64,125,216,343,512,729} Excel - E1

12 Example (b) = {x:x is a positive odd number}
For each of the sets,descrebe the set by listing all its elemens. (b) = {x:x is a positive odd number}

13 Solution (a) = Two conditions are give in the set descriptions All elements of the set multiples of 5 All elements are larger than or equal to 4,but smaller than 18 The set is {5,10,15}

14 Solution (b) = {x:x is a positive odd number} (b) The set is { 1,3,5,7,9,…}

15 Finite set and Infinite Set
A set can be finite or infinite. A finite set has a definite number of elements For exeample , the set {2,4,5,6,10} has exactly 5 elemets in the set

16 Finite set and Infinite Set
A set can be finite or infinite. An infinite set has an infinite number of elements. For example, the set integer, {…,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,…}, Has an infinite umber of elements and it not feasible or practical to list all the elements in each set

17 Example Which of the following are finite or infinite set?
1. {x:x is a odd number} {1,3,5,…} infinite

18 Example Which of the following are finite or infinite set?
2. {1,2,3,…,55} finite

19 Example Which of the following are finite or infinite set?

20 Example Which of the following are finite or infinite set?

21 Example Which of the following are finite or infinite set?
5. {x:x is a integer multiple of 4} {4,8,12,16,20,…} infinite

22 Example Which of the following are finite or infinite set?
6. {x:x is a integer multiple of 4 and less than 150} {148,144,140,136,…} infinite

23 Ex.1  = { x | x is a real number that x2 = -1}
VCD Empty set Empty or null set Some sets have no elements For example,if B={x:x is a multiple of 2 and x is odd},B will not have any elements Th e sambol is used to denote an empty set , thus , B = Ex  = { x | x is a real number that x2 = -1}

24 Which of the following are empty sets?
1. {x/x is a positive integer between 9 and 18 {10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17} Not empty set

25 Which of the following are empty sets?
2. {x/x is a integer greater than 10 but less than11} Empty set

26 Which of the following are empty sets?
1. {x/x is a positive integer between 5 and 9 {6,7,8}

27 Home work Exercises 1.1 Page 7
4.Which of the following are finite or infinite set? 1. {x:x is a even number} 2. {1,2,3,…,100} 5. {x:x is a integer multiple of 3} 6. {x:x is a integer multiple of 3 and less than 200}

28 5.Which of the following are empty sets?
1. {x/x is a positive integer between 5 and 9 2. {x/x is a integer greater than 1 but less than 2} 3. {x/x is a prime number greater than 3 but less than 10}

29 Caerfully your assignments © All rights reserved Stand SW 100 Click when ready  Caerfully your assignments

30 See you again next class

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