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Network Layer 2019/1/13.

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Presentation on theme: "Network Layer 2019/1/13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Network Layer 2019/1/13

2 2019/1/13

3 Layer 3 Functionalities
The Network layer provides services to exchange the individual pieces of data over the network between identified end devices. To accomplish this end-to-end transport, Layer 3 uses four basic processes: Addressing Encapsulation Routing De-capsulation 2019/1/13

4 Layer 3 Functionalities

5 Addressing & Routing Addressing Routing
Network layer must provide a mechanism for addressing end devices. Routing The packet might have to travel through many different networks Network layer must direct packets to their destination host 2019/1/13

6 Encapsulation & De-capsulation
Layer 3 receives the Layer 4 PDU and adds a Layer 3 header to create the Layer 3 PDU the packet is sent down to the Data Link layer to be prepared for transportation over the media Operating without regard to the application data carried in each packet allows the Network layer to carry packets for multiple types of communications between multiple hosts 2019/1/13

7 Examples of Network Layer Protocols
Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) Most widely used protocol Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) Novell Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) AppleTalk Connectionless Network Service (CLNS/DECNet) an OSI Network Layer service that is not used on the Internet 2019/1/13

8 Basic Characteristics of IPv4
Connectionless No connection is established before sending data packets. Best Effort (unreliable) No overhead is used to guarantee packet delivery. Media Independent Operates independently of the medium (copper or fiber) carrying the data. 2019/1/13

9 IPv6 IP version 6 (IPv6) is developed and being implemented in some areas. IPv6 will operate alongside IPv4 and may replace it in the future 2019/1/13

10 Connectionless Service

11 Connectionless Service
Recall how TCP operates? Because IP is connectionless … it requires no initial exchange of control information to establish an end-to-end connection before packets are forwarded nor does it require additional fields in the PDU header to maintain this connection. This process greatly reduces the overhead of IP. 2019/1/13

12 Connectionless Service
Connectionless packet delivery may result in packets arriving at the destination out of sequence. If out-of-order or missing packets create problems for the application using the data, then upper layer services will have to resolve these issues. Does TCP take care of this? 2019/1/13

13 Best Effort Service (unreliable)
IP is often referred to as an unreliable protocol. Unreliable in this context does not mean that IP works properly sometimes and does not function well at other times. Nor does it mean that it is unsuitable as a data communications protocol. Unreliable means simply that IP does not have the capability to manage, and recover from, undelivered or corrupt packets. 2019/1/13

14 Best Effort Service 2019/1/13

15 Unreliable Since protocols at other layers can manage reliability, IP is allowed to function very efficiently at the Network layer. If we included reliability overhead in our Layer 3 protocol, then … communications that do not require connections or reliability would be burdened with the bandwidth consumption and delay produced by this overhead. 2019/1/13

16 Unreliable? The key point is to leave the decision in providing reliable or unreliable services to the upper layer E.g., TCP, or … YOU! Network layer can concentrate on what it is designed to do … 2019/1/13

17 Media Independent IPv4 and IPv6 operate independently of the media that carry the data at lower layers of the protocol stack 2019/1/13

18 Media Independent There is one major characteristic of the media that the Network layer needs to consider: Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) : maximum size of PDU each medium can transport The Data Link layer passes the MTU upward so that the Network layer can determine how large to create the packets. An intermediary device - usually a router - will need to split up a packet when forwarding it from one media to a media with a smaller MTU. This process is called fragmenting the packet or fragmentation. 2019/1/13

19 Details of IP protocol …
Encapsulation & De-capsulation 2019/1/13

20 Encapsulating IPv4 packages

21 IPv4 Header 2019/1/13

22 Key fields of IPv4 Header
IP Address Source & Destination Address Time-to-Live (TTL) Type-of-Service (ToS) Protocol Fragment Offset 2019/1/13

23 Time-to-Live The Time-to-Live (TTL) is an 8-bit binary value that indicates the remaining "life" of the packet. TTL value is decreased by at least one each time the packet is processed by a router (that is, each hop). When the value becomes zero, the router discards or drops the packet This mechanism prevents packets that cannot reach their destination from being forwarded indefinitely between routers in a routing loop. (e.g., routing loops) 2019/1/13

24 Protocol This 8-bit binary value indicates the data payload type that the packet is carrying. enables the Network layer to pass the data to the appropriate upper-layer protocol. Example values are: 01 ICMP 06 TCP 17 UDP 2019/1/13

25 Type-of-Service The field contains an 8-bit binary value that is used to determine the priority of each packet. This value enables a Quality-of-Service (QoS) mechanism to be applied to high priority packets, such as those carrying telephony voice data. The router can be configured to decide which packet it is to forward first based on the Type-of-Service value. 2019/1/13

26 Fragmentation-related Fields
Fragment Offset, 13-bit Flag More Fragments flag (MF), 1-bit Don't Fragment flag, 1-bit 2019/1/13

27 Fragment Offset A router may have to fragment a packet when forwarding it from one medium to another medium that has a smaller MTU. When it occurs, the IPv4 packet uses the Fragment Offset field and the MF flag to reconstruct the packet when it arrives at the destination host. The field identifies the order in which to place the packet fragment in the reconstruction. 2019/1/13

28 More Fragments flag The flag (MF) is used with the Fragment Offset for the fragmentation and reconstruction of packets. MF = 1 it examines the Fragment Offset to see where this fragment is to be placed in the reconstructed packet. MF = 0 and a non-zero value in the Fragment offset it places that fragment as the last part of the reconstructed packet. An un-fragmented packet has all zero fragmentation information (MF = 0, fragment offset =0). 2019/1/13

29 Don't Fragment flag The flag (DF) indicates that fragmentation of the packet is not allowed. If the Don't Fragment flag bit is set (=1), then fragmentation of this packet is NOT permitted. If a router needs to fragment a packet to allow it to be passed downward to the Data Link layer but the DF bit is set to 1, then the router will discard this packet. 2019/1/13

30 Other IPv4 Header Fields
Version - Contains the IP version number (4). Header Length (IHL) - Specifies the size of the packet header. Packet Length - This field gives the entire packet size, including header and data, in bytes. Identification - This field is primarily used for uniquely identifying fragments of an original IP packet. Header Checksum - The checksum field is used for error checking the packet header. Options - There is provision for additional fields in the IPv4 header to provide other services but these are rarely used. 2019/1/13

31 Example of IPv4 Packet header length (in 32-byte unit) packet length
size (in byte) Example of IPv4 Packet TTL TCP original packet identifier (required for fragmented) denotes packet can be fragmented if required 2019/1/13

32 Details of IP protocol …
Addressing & Grouping of networks 2019/1/13

33 Networks – separating hosts into common hosts
One of the major roles of the Network layer - provide a mechanism for addressing hosts As the number of hosts on the network grows, more planning is required to manage and address the network. Rather than having all hosts everywhere connected to one vast global network, it is more practical and manageable to group hosts into specific networks. 2019/1/13

34 Dividing Networks IP-based networks have their roots as one large network. As this single network grew, the large network was separated into smaller networks that were interconnected. These smaller networks are often called subnetworks or subnets. 2019/1/13

35 Dividing Networks Networks can be grouped based on factors that include: Geographic location Purpose (e.g., 部門) Ownership etc 2019/1/13

36 Why separating networks?
Performance Security Address management 2019/1/13

37 Why separating networks?  Performance
Compare this … 2019/1/13

38 Why separating networks?  Performance
… and this. broadcast blocking 2019/1/13

39 Why separating networks?  Security

40 Why separating networks?  Address Management
Reduces the unnecessary overhead of all hosts needing to know all addresses 2019/1/13

41 Hierarchical Addressing & Grouping of Networks

42 Details of IP protocol …
Routing 2019/1/13

43 Gateway As a part of its configuration, a host has a default gateway address defined. This gateway address is the address of a router interface that is connected to the same network as the host. To communicate with a device on another network, a host uses the address of this gateway, or default gateway, to forward a packet outside the local network. 2019/1/13

44 Default Gateway 2019/1/13

45 Use “ipconfig” to see your IP settings
In Unix, use “ifconfig” 2019/1/13

46 Gateway enables communications between networks

47 Gateway The router also needs a route that defines where to forward the packet next. This is called the next-hop address. If a route is available to the router, the router will forward the packet to the next-hop router that offers a path to the destination network. Routing See next few slides … 2019/1/13

48 2019/1/13

49 2019/1/13

50 which next hop to send? routing table
How does router know which next hop to send? routing table 2019/1/13

51 Routing Router 2019/1/13

52 Routing Router Default Route In case a packet is destined for , it will be forwarded to 2019/1/13

53 Routing Table @ End host (“netstat –r” printout)
In Unix, use “route PRINT” 2019/1/13

54 Packets Routing Process
De-capsulation 2019/1/13

55 What if router has no entry for destined network?
Default route configured Router forwards packet according to default route setting No default route configured Router drops the packet 2019/1/13

56 How do routers learn & build their routing table?
through Routing protocols Protocols that share routes information among routers Routing protocols can be: Static routing Dynamic routing Routing Information Protocol (RIP) Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) 2019/1/13

57 Static Routing 2019/1/13

58 Dynamic Routing 2019/1/13

59 Dynamic vs Static Dynamic routing overhead Cost of static routing
Consumes network bandwidth Consumes CPU processing capacity Cost of static routing Administrative cost 2019/1/13

60 The reality is … In many internetworks, a combination of static, dynamic, and default routes are used to provide the necessary routes. The configuration of routing protocols on routers will be covered extensively by a later course. 2019/1/13

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