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Constructing Connected Dominating Sets in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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1 Constructing Connected Dominating Sets in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Ten H. Lai Ohio State University

2 Requirements Nodes exchange info via beacons.
Info added to beacons is fixed in size and as little as possible. SA Time Beacon (~550 bits)

3 Constructing Connected DS
Important to recognize gateways. Use time difference between components to recognize gateways. DS DS

4 Dilemma Time synchronization: Constructing CDS:
Good if every node relays time info. Good if clocks are identical in accuracy. Constructing CDS: Good if only nodes in DS relay time info. Good if clocks are different in accuracy.

5 Resolving the Dilemma A specific node generates a “color” periodically. Color spreads out thru DS nodes. Gateway if receives different colors. DS DS

6 Leader Election Select a specific node to generate colors.
Initially, let the initiator be the node. If initiator crashes, elect another node.

7 If the MANET remains connected, the protocol always generates a connected dominating set.

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