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The Civil War & Reconstruction

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1 The Civil War & Reconstruction

2 Leading up to the Civil War
Missouri Compromise, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Compromise of 1850 debate over slavery States rights vs. fed gov’t Dred Scott case Federal gov’t accepts slavery Harper’s Ferry John Brown growing violent opp to slavery

3 Start of war Election of 1860 South Carolina
Lincoln not on ballots in South South Carolina 1st state to secede due to slavery Secession: to formally leave the union Other states follow Fort Sumter (fed base in the South) 1st Southern military aggression against Union


5 Why war? Unconstitutional to leave the Union – Lincoln saw this as a declaration of war South – fighting war to protect slavery and states’ rights North/Fed. Gov’t –fighting to maintain supremacy of Fed. Gov’t over states and to preserve Union

6 Moral War Abolitionists were always fighting to end slavery
As war goes on, Fed gov’t changes focus of war to issue of morality/ending slavery Keep other countries out of the war Keep Americans engaged in the war  easier cause to get behind Gettysburg Address Emancipation Proclamation

7 The War Longer than expected
Most Americans died in a single war – 620,000 180,000 African Americans served in the war 54th regiment Most fought for Union, some forced to fight for Confederacy Remedial tasks… didn’t get to fight North’s advantages Stronger economy and infrastructure Larger pop Actually a country – America…The Union Fighting a moral war South devastated Advantages – fighting a defensive war Disadvantage – smaller pop, weaker economy, less developed infrastructure

8 Natural Rights and the Civil War
Founders had established Natural Rights Declaration of Independence Only for white property owners (men) voting rights 1830s All white men could vote Civil War Natural rights and voting rights expanded to include African American (males)

9 Emancipation Proclamation Activity

10 End of the War – Reconstruction
Lincoln wins re-election and 13th amendment passes (ends slavery) War ends with North win Robert E. Lee & Ulysses S. Grant sign treaty determine terms of surrender Union gov’t trying to determine how to “reconstruct” the country after the war Had to consider: How do deal with all the newly freed slaves? How to bring the south back into the Union? How to deal with Confederate leadership?

11 Thirteenth Amendment (Lincoln)
Emancipation Proclamation freed only those slaves behind confederate lines Lincoln needed to figure out what to do about states where slavery still existed Created the 13th Amendment that abolished slavery completely “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States.”

12 Fourteenth Amendment Once Republicans worked to shift Reconstruction duties from Executive branch to the Legislative branch, Congress created the 14th Amendment Provided equal protection under the law for all citizens, regardless of race “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of laws.”

13 Fifteenth Amendment Civil war general Ulysses S. Grant is elected into office 15th Amendment is introduced Prevented states from denying ANYONE the right to vote (men) “The right of the citizens of the United States to Vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, and previous condition of servitude.”

14 Amendment Fever!!!! Read each scenario
Decide which amendment is being violated in each scenario Then give your reasoning using specific examples from the amendments Answer the questions on the back

15 DO NOW What do you think would be the biggest challenge after the Civil War for Americans? Explain your answer.

16 Reconstruction Plans Lincoln Radical Republicans Johnson
President during war Comes up with plan towards end of war Opposed by Congress Radical Republicans Radical = extreme views  supported suffrage of all freed African American men Controlled Congress after Civil War Johnson President after Lincoln assassinated Had to find balance between Republicans and Southern Democrats

17 During Reconstruction
Freedman’s Bureau Attempted to integrate freed African Americans into Southern society. Provided funding for black- owned homes, schools, and businesses More than 2,000 African American men elected to political office. However, representation not proportionate Carpetbaggers Northerners came down to facilitate Reconstruction Scalawags Southerners who aided in Reconstruction efforts

18 After Reconstruction Focus shifts to 2nd Industrial Revolution
Urbanization, westward expansion Southern Democrats Had supported slavery Control of Southern states Disenfranchised Blacks Jim Crow laws, discriminatory voting requirements Kept control until 1940’s “Solid South” KKK Created during Reconstruction Violent/extrajudicial efforts to control changing society

19 Today’s Activity – Plans for Reconstrucion
Read through each plan for Reconstruction Complete the chart for each plan Can be bullet points “jot dots” Must be in your own words!!! Please stick to the key points. Don’t sweat the details! Answer wrap-up questions independently

20 Today’s Activity – Plans for Reconstruction
Read through each plan for Reconstruction Complete the chart for each plan Roots of Democracy = rule of law, representative gov’t, consent of the governed, checks and balances, individual rights Principles of the Constitution = separation of power, popular sovereignty, limited gov’t, federalism, checks and balances Answer wrap-up questions independently

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