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Mindfulness Reconnect your Mind and Body

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1 Mindfulness Reconnect your Mind and Body
Wise & Well Mindfulness Reconnect your Mind and Body Presented by Steve Perron MSc R.Psych. Counselling and Wellness, LSS February 28th, 2018

2 Most Important: YOU!!!! Helping professions and Burnout-HIGH
Affecting the quality, energy of your work Affects home life. PD day focus on students but it is the staff who inspire, add energy

3 What do you already know about Mindfulness and stress?
Ask participants to gain expectations, base level of info What do you already know about Mindfulness and stress?

4 Why Mindfulness. May 11, 2016 Verywell Today newsletters@email
Why Mindfulness? May 11, 2016 Verywell Today Explain cortisol in test anxiety and blanking out

5 Want to reduce…….? Muscle soreness and strain?
Dealing with mind –body connection

6 Want to reduce…….? Worry? Worry-miscommunication between old and new brain. Old notices danger and wants action. New looks at possible what ifs… to anxiety

7 Amygdala …Fight, Flight, Freeze…
Mindfulness can reduce amygdala activity so less anxious

8 Want to LIVE LONGER? telomeres
Mindfulness can lead to telomere recovery

9 Why are you here? Maybe more interesting is… Where are you here?
Where are you I your mind, where in your heart?

10 The 3 places we live. Not work, home and on the bus =body not essence of you

11 The Past… what could have been regret what I should have done if only depression
Much of our time is thinking and feeling the past but not usually the good memories.

12 The Future… What is going to happen. Will I be prepared
The Future… What is going to happen? Will I be prepared? What if I don’t get it done? Maybe I won’t have the money… Make mistakes, embarrass myself? More time spent being anxious about the future

13 [Do you worry unnecessarily about the future
[Do you worry unnecessarily about the future? Remember most fears are just False Evidence Appearing Real. Don't let unfounded fears rob you of the joys of life or you too will say...] There has been much tragedy in my life; [and] at least half of it actually happened. Mark Twain (2014). “Mark Twain on Common Sense: Timeless Advice and Words of Wisdom from America's Most-Revered Humorist”, p.60, Skyhorse Publishing, Inc. Some 78% of things we worry about never happen

14 The NOW Doing vs Being Even time spent in Now is often doing [dishes, work, driving….] not being and experiencing life, noticing with wonder and curiousity

15 Is your MIND all over the place?

16 Would it not be nice to be enlightened, saved by some ancient eastern philosophy?

17 Would it not be nice to be ENLIGHTENED?
Your nose [each one] is enlightened as it does exactly what it is supposed to do eg.. Same with liver, heart, feet….

18 Your mind is too! Designed to… approach this, be wary of that, notice this, like this but not that….

19 Gahan Wilson, Nyer Old monk & novice, outside no change seen
BUT Scans of the brain show changes in brain structure from Mindfulness

20 What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is best described as moment to moment, non- judgmental awareness The NOW. Mindfulness pays attention to our Mind [thoughts and emotions] and our Bodies [sensations] Developed at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in the 1970's by Professor Jon Kabat-Zinn. Meditation has been the subject of controlled clinical research, that suggests it may have beneficial effects, including stress reduction, relaxation, and improvements to quality of life. Explain non-judgemental

21 What is Mindfulness Meditation?
alert but passive attention Mindfulness meditation is BEST practiced sitting, or lying down, or standing, or walking or eating or… with eyes open or closed, while on a cushion, on a chair, on the train or in the air Enough TALK, let us do it! Attention is put on the movement of the abdomen when breathing in and out, or on the awareness of the breath as it goes in and out the nostrils. If you become distracted from the breath, Squirrel!!!, just passively notice your mind has wandered, but in an accepting, non-judgmental way and return to focusing on breathing. What is Mindfulness Meditation? Sounds like Dr Suess Do breathing mindfulness meditation and go on to Body Scan

22 Body Awareness using the Body Scan Meditation
The body scan has proven to be an extremely powerful and healing form of meditation. Without moving a muscle, we can put our mind anywhere in the body we choose and feel and be aware of whatever sensations are present in that moment. Tuning in toward those sensations. If you think of your body as a house, the body scan is a way to throw open all the windows and lets the fresh air of awareness sweep it clean. It involves systemically sweeping through the body with the mind, bringing an affectionate, openhearted, interested attention to it’s various regions. In the process, the intensity of the sensations themselves can sometimes subside or they may come to be seen as less onerous, less debilitating.

23 Major pillars of mindfulness practice
Non-judging –just watching whatever comes up. Patience - things unfold in their own time. Beginner’s mind – see everything as if for the first time… new possibilities. Trust –in yourself and your feelings Non-striving –seeing and Accepting things as they are NOW. Letting go –when feelings of the past or future come up….. let go of them. Like a review

24 Three minute guided meditation
Not take much time to meditate

25 Sources and Tools Full Catastrophe Living (Revised Edition): Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness Paperback – Sep Bantam Books by Jon Kabat-Zinn -Three minute guided meditation: Susan J. O’Grady, PhD. -Ten minute guided meditation: TheHonestGuys Guided Mindfulness Meditation Jon Kabat-Zinn PhD Body Scan Book, two possible meditations and two from Jon

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