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“Crossover” Structured Journal

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2 “Crossover” Structured Journal
What does it take to be a mature human being, according to both ARITS and “If” by Rudyard Kipling? Still use TS/CD/CM/CD/CM/CS (Refer to both stories), but your CDs for ARITS can be summary, not quotes. Your CD for “If” should still be a quote. You can also go past ten lines.

3 Expository Essay Read the following: RUTH: Will somebody please tell me what assimila-who-ever means! GEORGE: Oh, it’s just a college girl’s way of calling people Uncle Toms—but that isn’t what it means at all… BENEATHA: (Cutting George off…as she replies to Ruth) It means someone who is willing to give up his own culture and submerge himself completely in the dominant, and in this case oppressive culture! Think about whom you agree with more in the argument above. Do you admire Beneatha’s desire to be unique and authentic, or do you agree with George about the practical value of being part of society? Write an essay explaining whether it’s better to blend in with the crowd or stand apart from it. (You can take a balanced approach.)

4 Key elements in this essay:
Maintain structure and organization (Thesis controls the body of your paper; two body paragraphs structured using TS/CD/CM/CS.) Transition between your two body paragraphs Two examples should “go together” (Coherence/unity) Thus, for the thesis I recommend you only focus on one reason, and find two examples that illustrate the same reason. Don’t do two separate reasons unless those two reasons go together. Just the right amount of detail (Again, describe enough so that your reader can understand your example; assume they’re not familiar with it at all.) However, don’t overdo the example, either.

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