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RAIN’s vision is to build a resilient farm and food sector in northern Ontario through innovative research and agricultural development projects.

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2 RAIN’s vision is to build a resilient farm and food sector in northern Ontario through innovative research and agricultural development projects.

3 Sustainable New Agri-Food Products & Productivity (SNAPP) Program
In Northern Ontario, many agriculture and food producers/businesses have difficulty funding equipment purchases for expansions such as value-added processing, season extension, productivity enhancements and clean tech projects. Micro-grant program administered by RAIN and funded by FedNor Provides up to $5,000 at 75% cost share to farm & food businesses in Northern Ontario Collaborations of three or more are eligible for up to $15,000 at 75% cost share


5 Program Delivery Northern Ontario - divided into 4 regions:
Northwestern Ontario Cochrane/Temiskaming/ Nipissing Algoma/Manitoulin Sudbury/Parry Sound/ Muskoka

6 Program Goals Stimulate development and expansion of the agriculture and food sector in Northern Ontario Address challenges specific to Northern Ontario agri-food production (such as a shorter production season, distance to markets and a lack of economies of scale) Promote value-added processing and innovative production and processing practices that increase scalability, profitability and competitiveness Improve efficiency or resource use, reducing ecological impact and carbon footprint while enhancing profitability

7 Project Streams Season Extension – Projects that will enable producers to extend their production season, or to extend the seasonal availability of their perishable products through storage. New Products – Projects that enable agriculture or food producers to create primary or processed products that are new to the business. Productivity Enhancement – Projects that utilize innovative technologies or processes to increase efficiencies in their operations. NEW! Clean Tech in Agri-food – Projects that adopt clean technology at the farm/business level and support improved environmental performance while fostering productivity, growth and competitiveness.

8 Eligible Applicants Must be a legal person with the authority to enter into a legal agreement. (corporations, not-for-profits, primary producers, processors, distributors, First Nations, Metis, Inuit) Applicants must have at least one component of their business located in Northern Ontario, and the project activity must occur in Northern Ontario. Collaborations are accepted with three or more partners For collaborations, at least two collaborators (legal entities) must be businesses, organizations or persons located in Northern Ontario. Both start-up and existing businesses are eligible.

9 Eligible Costs Food or fiber processing equipment
High-tunnels or greenhouse structures Food packaging or labelling equipment Cold storage equipment Building materials Farm production equipment Equipment delivery costs Technology upgrades

10 Ineligible Costs Equipment installation or servicing
Rolling stock (any general-purpose vehicle used in transporting items or making deliveries from one place or another) Inventory Labour costs Consumables (any non-permanent equipment, products or structures that cannot be used for multiple years) Purchase or lease of lands or buildings Gifts or incentives Computer software HST

11 Review Criteria How novel the products to be developed are relative to Northern Ontario (New Product Stream) How will season extension techniques be applied to the product (s). (Season Extension) What new efficiencies will be implemented to increase production and decrease operating expenses (Productivity Stream) The project clearly demonstrates environmental and ecological benefits at an impacting scale (Clean Tech in Agri-Food)

12 Review Criteria (cont.)
The use of innovative equipment or processes The scalability of the project (ability to expand production/sales) The economic or sales impact of the project on the business and on Northern Ontario A clear marketing or distribution plan A sound business plan (start-ups only) Application completeness (Articles of Incorporation, Farm Business Registration No., Master Business License, or Business Name Registration, whichever is applicable (required with application) At least three quotes (from a supplier) for any purchase over $500 Applicants are to refer to the reporting requirements stated in the application terms and conditions info sheet before applying

13 Funding Payments 90% of the approved funds will be released once the purchase is complete and proof of payment is submitted The remaining 10% will be released once a final results report is submitted. This must be received within six months of the project completion deadline (or sooner) This is to ensure that all equipment and materials purchased are put into use by the applicant(s)

14 SNAPP INTAKE 4 Applications accepted from:
August 27th to October 26th, 2018 Approvals sent out: by November 2018 Deadline to complete project: August 31, 2019

15 Contact Information Algoma/ Manitoulin Rural Agri-Innovation Network, Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre Cathy Bouchard, Ext. 3135 Northwest Cloverbelt Local Food Co-Op Andrea Habinski, (807) ext. 27 Cochrane/ Timiskaming/ Nipissing (Bilingual Service) Northeast Community Network Antoine Vezina, x7081 Sudbury/Parry Sound/Muskoka Eat Local Sudbury Co-Operative Allison Muckle,

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