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European Research and Innovation Centres and Hubs (ENRICH) EUSDR XV PA7 Steering Group Meeting, Bratislava, 13 June 2018 Dr Béla Kardon CSO, RCISD These.

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1 European Research and Innovation Centres and Hubs (ENRICH) EUSDR XV PA7 Steering Group Meeting, Bratislava, 13 June 2018 Dr Béla Kardon CSO, RCISD These projects have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

2 RCISD Introduction Aims of the initiative
SME Founded by scientists and R&D managers Well established platform for regional and international cooperation Services advise and consultancy supporting national and international proposals thematic, administrative and financial project management scientific research and analysis education & training Increase and enable commerce, partnerships and collaborations Act as a central contact point to enable cooperation across the Atlantic

3 References – International Cooperation Aims of the initiative
9 x FP7 and 9 x H2020 projects Cooperation with EU, Danube Region, Eastern Partnership Countries, Central Asia, ASEAN, Japan, Brazil, USA (90 partners in 43 countries) Increase and enable commerce, partnerships and collaborations Act as a central contact point to enable cooperation across the Atlantic

4 R&I – Key to Competitiveness Aims of the initiative
Competitive economy Competitive enterprises Competitive labour force Competitive higher education Competitive R&I Increase and enable commerce, partnerships and collaborations Act as a central contact point to enable cooperation across the Atlantic

5 A Pilot Initiative in Brazil, China and USA
ENRICH and ENRICH in China – How it started A network of centres in the world's most dynamic and innovative countries and regions Connect and support European researchers and entrepreneurs globally Strengthen the position of Europe as a world leader in science, technology and innovation A global initiative to internationalise European research and innovation… Promoted by the European Commission through Horizon 2020 A network of centres and hubs that promotes European STI internationally

6 Clients – Beneficiaries
Research Actors Innovation Actors Business Actors Universities Research Institutes University Associations Research Networks Scientific Parks Incubators Accelerators Funding Agencies Companies Business Networks Clusters

7 B E N F I T S Benefit from pre-departure informative training (smart take off) Strengthen skills Benefit from local assistance Find new business partners and access new markets Accelerate successful international development Increase visibility towards European STI stakeholders Establish long-term partnerships Exchange knowledge and ideas Acquire new customers Find new business partners and access new markets

8 Roadmap Planning Phase Piloting Full Implementation Phase Market study
Sustainability Market study Business planning Initial services delivered Services free of charge Launch of the pilot stage Service portfolio fully deployed Centres as independent legal entities Service revenues covering costs Independency from EC grant Centre launched in Chengdu and Beijing October, 2017 Brasília 29 November, 2017 California 24 January 2018

9 Inauguration Event EU Focal Point in Brussels, 18th April 2018
ENRICH Focal Point in Europe 18th April 2018 EBN Headquarters Avenue de Tervuren, 168 B-1150 Brussels

10 Upcoming Synergies and Cooperation
ENRICH Centres Common services Co-branded events Joint promotion Strengthened outreach Cooperation With EU Member States and Associated Countries As members in the upcoming legal structure As service providers, soft landing zones or regional hubs With existing European initiatives in place in BR, CN and US As co-organizers of joint events, trainings and activities

11 The Role of RCISD in the Projects
Identifying potential clients, needs and demands Advice and support for EU research and innovation communities Mobilizing experts to validate strategic options Design of funding mechanisms for network/centres Development of tools and training materials, and provision of training, advice and support Organisation of information days & training events Roadshows & Fact Finding Mission Pilot actions on connecting events and services Stakeholder involvement and synergies Monitoring and evaluation of pilot actions Communication & dissemination Quality assurance

12 Networks Brazil Soft Landing Hubs ENRICH Ambassadors
Headquarters in Brasília Branches in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro External Service Providers

13 Service Portfolio: Services 2018
Guideline for Brazilians to participate in H2020 (PT) May 2018 Step-by-Step Guideline to start Business in Brazil (EN) June 2018 Guideline for Innovation Funding Possibilities in Brazil Sept 2018 Analysis on Industry Demand in Brazil (Focus: I4.0) Nov 2018 Step-by-Step Guideline to start Business in Europe (PT & EN) Guideline for Innovation Funding Possibilities in Europe Dec 2018 Series of Webinars: Showcase the Brazilian Innovation Ecosystem August – November 2018 (4x - online) How to write a proposal? Focusing on MSC Actions Campinas, Brazil, 3 May 2018 Porto Alegre, 8 May 2018 Focusing on ERC Brazil, Sept 2018 Webinars on R&I strategy, programs and initiatives in Brazil & Europe for Brazil, June 2018 (online) for Europeans, Sept 2018 (online) Boot Camp Training Malaga, Spain , October 2018 Curitiba, Brazil Sept 2018 Training on Impact of R&I programmes Campinas, Brazil, November 2018 Training on Innovation Management Webinar, October 2018 Exhibition Showcase Gramado, Brazil, June/July 2018 Road Show as „Fact Finding Mission“ Europe, Sept/Oct 2018 Grow your Business Internationally EBN Congress, Luxemburg, 6-8 June 2018 Innovation Tour Europeans to Brazil November 2018 On-demand Customized Consultancy Services Customized support on partner & project search & funding opportunities Advice on RRI

14 Networks China Beijing Chengdu
Involvement of the project partner’s networks EUPIC Beijing Chengdu Supported by a network of 128 associated partners from China and Europe EU SME Centre

15 Upcoming Service Offer
JUN 12th-13th Workshop Stuttgart, Germany Proposal preparation: Linking Europe and China successfully in Horizon 2020 RTD projects 12th Zurich, Switzerland STI strategy towards China JUN TBC Webinar Online Open and responsible R&I in China 25th Workshop Porto, Portugal ENRICH your Innovation and Business Potential in China SEP Brussels Strengthening academia-industry partnerships and making them fit for the Chinese market Exchange of experiences with STI EU-China experts SEP/NOV Mission China Innovation Tour to China together with ICI/ITTC/ EU-China Business and Technology Cooperation Fair

16 Networks USA San Francisco Boston Coordination Node in Europe at EBN
Further Network expansion during and beyond Coordination Node in the US at InBIA San Francisco Boston Five Landing Hubs across the US in 2018 Two physical Centres

17 Upcoming Services / Open Calls for Applications
East Coast Innovation Tour (IT) Greater Boston & Greater New York (June 10 – 15, 2018) Research Connection Symposium (August ) Research Commercialization (RC) Bootcamp - October 2018 Deadline for application: June 29, 2018 – 23:59 CET Business 2 Business (B2B) Bootcamp - October 2018

18 Contact us! Markus Will Sara Medina
Stephanie Splett-Rudolph

Dr Béla Kardon Chief Scientific Officer Regional Centre for Information and Scientific Development

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