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Structured Learning Center (SLC)

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1 Structured Learning Center (SLC)
Chinook Elementary School Room 303

2 Meet Lynne Snyder Chinook Elementary, Primary SLC teacher
Hello! A little bit about myself… I have enjoyed living in the Auburn/Enumclaw area for over 30 years with my husband, Brocc, four children, a growing number of grandchildren, great-grandchildren, cows, ducks, chickens, dogs, cats and one very special llama named Lily! In my free time I enjoy living on our certified organic farm and being a part of this special Chinook community. My educational journey has taken me through four universities earning degrees in Transportation, Early Childhood, Youth and Families, and most recently Education from Pacific Lutheran University. I must say that I enjoy teaching in the SLC classroom at Chinook the best.  I look forward to coming to work each day and seeing students makes my day! I will ask them to apply effort and try their best. I love working with students and helping them make gains towards independence. I would like to thank the families in Auburn for the opportunity to teach their wonderful children. Phone:

3 What is the Structured Learning Center (SLC)?
SLC (structured learning center) is a self contained program for students who need high structure, and individualized learning experiences. Services are tailored to each student’s academic, communication and behavioral needs. The goal is to give each student the skills they need to be independent and successful in the general education setting.

4 What is SLC continued… Researched based curriculum and strategies.
Every student has an individual schedule. A lower staff to student ratio accommodating student needs. Positive Behavior strategies are incorporated throughout the day and in all areas.

5 What will my child learn?
Reading, Writing, Math Science, Social Studies Speech, Language Social, Emotional Daily living Fine and Large motor skills

6 Levels of Support Full physical prompt (hand over hand)
Partial physical prompt Modeling Visual/Picture Verbal prompt Gesture Independent

7 How we teach… Discrete Trial Pivotal Response Trial
Functional Routines with Visual Supports Inclusion

8 What is discrete trial? (DT)
Break skills into the smallest steps Teach each step of the skill Provide lots of repetition Prompt the correct response, fading the prompts as soon as possible Use positive reinforcement procedures

9 What is Pivotal Response Trial? (PRT)
A behavioral intervention that teaches expressive language, spontaneous language, play and social skills following an ABA (applied behavior analysis) format. Students engage in activities that help them increase generalization of language and play skills.

10 What are Functional Routines? (FR)
Skills built into structured routines included throughout the day. Skills learned in discrete trial and pivotal response trial sessions are positively reinforced.

11 Examples of Functional Routines
Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, and Hygiene Small group and individual work Calendar, circle time Transitions Arrival and Dismissal

12 Inclusion Students have access to the general education curriculum and peer interaction as they are able. Inclusion can look different for each child. Inclusion is based on the students needs, abilities, and progress, and is set by the IEP committee.

13 Examples of Inclusion Settings
Reverse Inclusion One or more general education students are brought into the SLC classroom. Socialization Recess, lunch, activity centers, story time Academic Resource Pull out class taught by special education teacher Academic Inclusion Core subjects taught in the general education classroom.

14 Student Resources King County Library Brain Pop Jr. PBS Kids National Geographic Kids National Geographic Little Kids Wonderopolis

15 Parent Resources Washington State Office of Superintendent for Public Instruction Washington State Special Education Coalition /organizations/ The ARC of Washington State Autism Outreach Project (Great lending library!) Washington State Department of Social and Health Services Learning Disabilities Online Love and Logic Parenting Support

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