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Federal contracting laws: walsh-healey act

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1 Federal contracting laws: walsh-healey act

2 Federal Contracting Laws Walsh-Healey Act Overview
Applies to contracts with the federal government for the production of goods The contract either exceeds $10,000 initially or is estimated to exceed $10,000 The restriction is if the Government's contracting officer knows in advance that the contract will not exceed $10,000 Contracts call for the manufacture or furnishing of materials, supplies, articles or equipment May be incorporated by reference or language of requirements included in contract with government

3 Federal Contracting Laws Walsh-Healey Act Requirements
The Walsh-Healey Act's standards include: Payment of prevailing wage for hours worked during "regular hours" Payment of time and 1/2 the rate of pay for overtime (hours in > 40 in one week) Prohibition against employment of convict labor Maintenance of sanitary and non-hazardous working conditions Posting of the Act's requirements in a prominent place

4 Federal Contracting Laws Walsh-Healey Act Recordkeeping
The Walsh-Healey Act requires employers to keep the following records for at least 3 years: Name, address, sex, and occupation of each employee covered by the contract stipulations Date of birth of each employee under 19 years of age Wage-and-hour records for each such employee including the rate of wages and the amount paid each pay period, the hours worked each day and each week, and the period during which each such employee was engaged on a government contract with the number of such contract The following records should be kept for at least 2 years: Basic employment and earnings records: All basic time and earning cards or sheets Wage rate tables Work time schedules Records for employees working on government contracts should be kept separate from records of other employees

5 Federal Contracting Laws Walsh-Healey Act Exclusions
Does not apply to: Executive, administrative, or professional employees as defined by the FLSA Public construction or service contracts Contracts for purchase of materials, supplies, or equipment that can be bought on the "open-market" Contracts where the Secretary of Labor would find that compliance with the Walsh- Healey Act would impair government business

6 Federal Contracting Laws Practical Compliance Measures
Good housekeeping – make sure pay practices are consistently applied to all "covered employees" and all payroll records for federally-funded contracts are separate from general payroll records Determine prevailing wage for locality before beginning project by visiting Must send weekly payroll reports to the agency sponsoring the contract Retain records for a period of three years following completion of the contract

7 Other Issues I-9 Compliance
Most likely to see: U.S. Passport Green Card I-551 Stamp indicating Permanent Residence Employment Authorization Document License and Social Security Card ID card or voter registration card and Social Security card Only need to see one of those in List A, or one from each List B and C

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