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Peak Performance Definition? Synonyms?.

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Presentation on theme: "Peak Performance Definition? Synonyms?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peak Performance Definition? Synonyms?

2 Peak Performance Peak performance occurs when capability (skills) and actuality (challenges of competition) meet. Flow=body and mind work together to achieve success PERFORMANCE = POTENTIAL – INTERFERENCE.


4 THE 5 P’S of PERFORMANCE 1. Be in the PRESENT Moment
Allow Yourself to Flush the Bad One Play at a Time

5 THE 5 P’S of PERFORMANCE 2. Focus on the PROCESS
Control What You Can Control If it Ain’t Broke… Break It Find out why you’re doing well rather than become complacent with your success. Make your strengths stonger. Replay Your Success Mimic your successful outings as often as possible

What you learn as a player through your own actions - good or bad. Inexpensive Experience Learning from those who have gone before you.

7 THE 5 P’S of PERFORMANCE 3. Have a POSITIVE Mindset
Positive Thinking Does not Guarantee Success Ask yourself: “What am I trying to do?” Avoid comments like: “I don’t want this to happen”, “don’t hang the curve ball”, “If I miss this free throw _____.” The Black Box – the box with the information that tells what happened during a good or bad outing locate it and learn from it (Expensive Experience)

If you think you can, you’ve got a shot. Perspective is your reality. Fake it until you make it. Confidence Avoid the losers limp. Act like you own the place.

Go on a mission. Have Intent. Have a Purpose. Slow down your process It’s not aerobics.

10 DAILY IMPLEMENTATION Practice is where the action is…
Practice what you’ll do in a game physically and mentally. Do not wait until game time to work on the mental game. The Hour Glass Don’t Confuse Routine with Commitment The quality of your practice is your responsibility. Have a purpose or mission. Have present moment focus. Practice one play at a time Make practice as game like as possible

11 A PLAYER’S MENTALITY Player Tendencies – tendency for players to fall in one of these categories when things don’t go as planned: Primal – throws/swings harder when adversity hits (Tries too hard. Presses) Prayer – prays a lot, “I hope…” Perfect – nibbles, “I just missed…”

12 Peak Performance Flow only occurs when you ALLOW it to occur.
All 3 aspects must be balanced and under control. Balanced control can be understood and learned. Proper preparation and appropriate interventions is the key to Peak Performance. Peak Performance is a “mood”. Cognitive Environment Physical

13 Peak Performance Athletes that understand and control both the mental and environmental aspects of performance will experience consistency from performance to performance. You can’t control what happens around you, but you can control how you choose to react. You must be in control of yourself before you can control your performance.

14 Peak Performance Assignment: On a 3x5 index card write down your own 3 descriptors that accurately captures your state of mind during a past peak performance experience. DUE FRIDAY!!

15 Peak Performance Assignment: Read Chapter 1 and answer the questions. DUE TODAY!

16 Peak Performance Mental skills, like physical skills, require continual practice. Will take a few weeks to notice results, but it will take a few months of practice before the skills become automatic. There are 4 phases to learning mental training skills: Education; Acquisition, Practice, and Integration.

17 1. Education Education=Understanding the mental skills and their importance. You are currently in this stage. You have taken this class to learn the necessary mental skills in making you a more consistent and successful athlete.

18 2. Acquisition Acquisition=Understanding yourself and how these skills and strategies can be applied to your performances.

19 3. Practice Practice=Applying (using) the skills and strategies you have learned; Monitoring and evaluating your performances and skills.

20 What tools in your toolbox are you going to use?
4. Integration Integration=The skills and strategies you are practicing and using become automatic. You will have to make some adjustments and personalize the skills to work for you. Will also have to figure out which skills work for you. When the time comes to perform, the time to prepare is over. What tools in your toolbox are you going to use?

21 Assignment
Instructions: 1) Watch the first 37 minutes of the video. 2) Write down any information, facts, etc. that you find interesting. For example, If I were you I would write down the things that I could personally use to make myself a better athlete.

22 Tuesday Follow Up Answer the following questions on your paper from the video What do you believe are the 2 most important concepts from the video you can immediately apply to improve your performance? What questions do you still have OR what don’t you understand from the video?


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