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Nixon’s Plan Peace with Honor Increase Bombing Vietnamization Détente.

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Presentation on theme: "Nixon’s Plan Peace with Honor Increase Bombing Vietnamization Détente."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nixon’s Plan Peace with Honor Increase Bombing Vietnamization Détente

2 Peace With Honor Get out of the war honorable without hurting our international and national image Easier said than done!

3 Increase Bombing North Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia Solidify S.V. boarders

4 Response? Americans viewed this as increasing war not ending
Led to increased protests Kent State Massacre

5 Kent State Massacre Protest against bombing
Ohio National Guard killed four students and wounded 9 others April 30th 1970

6 Vietnamization Slowly pull out US troops
Turn war over the South Vietnamese

7 Détente Decrease tensions between US and SU Prevent future Vietnams

8 My Lai Massacre Lt. Calley and troops massacred 365 women children and elderly Brutality reached America Major impact on American support for soldiers

9 Slow Withdraw January of 1973- Signed Peace Agreement US will pull out
Return of POW’s April 30, Saigon Falls

10 Returning Soldiers PTSD Discriminated Against
Struggled to re-enter civilian lifestyle

11 Southeast Asia South Vietnam fell to Communist
Saigon remained Ho Chi Minh City Cambodian Genocide- Khmer Rouge

12 Vietnam War Memorial Enshrined in 1981 Maya Lin- designer

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