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Cedar Ridge High School

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Presentation on theme: "Cedar Ridge High School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cedar Ridge High School
Welcome to US History

2 Respect Achievement Investment Nobility
R.A.I.N. Respect Achievement Investment Nobility

3 Classroom Expectations R.A.I.N.
Be On Time Be Prepared Be Respectful

4 Tutorials Monday mornings and Tuesday afternoon
By appointment (I am here A LOT) If you need any extra help, make sure you come and see me. NO lunch tutorials. I have duty Thursday AM so I will not have tutorials at that time either.

5 Absences If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to obtain any missing work. Check the following Website Teacher Classmate Make up folders If you have a prolonged absence please TALK TO ME! Test/Quizzes must be made up during Tutorials.

6 Social Studies grading policy
60% minor grades 40% major grades

7 Retakes Students can redo assignments/tests
The maximum grade you can get is a 70% Must schedule redos with teacher to complete during tutorials. NOT during class time

8 BYOD ONLY with teacher permission
If you choose to have phone or device out without permission it will be taken and turned into the office.

9 Website Information on Google Classroom, Remind, ect can be found here: I will be using Google Classroom for my Website. If you have any questions about this, let me know.

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