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Cyber Bullying.

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Presentation on theme: "Cyber Bullying."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyber Bullying

2 What is Cyber Bullying? Bullying through Internet applications and technologies Uses technology to repeatedly hurt another person, individual or as part of a group Harassing, impersonating, intimidating, stalking, creating or helping to spread false rumors, extorting, name calling and flaming, tricking, or terrorizing

3 Bullying vs. Cyber Bullying
Harassing Online Anonymity More Public Never Fully Recovered or Removed Reach a Larger Population Instantaneous Viral by Nature Easy to Hide Behind a Computer (Bully) Bullying Face-to-Face Know who the Bully is

4 Types of Technology used to Communicate
Social Networking Sites Text Messages Camera Phones Instant Messages Malicious Websites Chat Rooms Blogs Phones

5 Forms of Cyberbullying
Flaming: Sending or posting hostile messages intended to “inflame” the emotions of others Happy-Slapping: Recording someone being harassed or bullied then posting online Identity Theft/Impersonation: Stealing someone’s password and/or hijacking their online accounts to send or post incriminating or humiliating information Photoshopping: Doctoring digital images so the main subject is placed in a compromising or embarrassing situation Physical Threats: Sending messages that involve threats to a person’s physical safety Rumor Spreading: Spreading gossip through , text messaging, or social media

6 Helping Victims of Cyber Bullying
Don’t Be a Bystander Tell the bully to stop Befriend and talk with someone being bullied Victims value your empathy and concern

7 Dealing with Cyber Bullying
Don’t Respond or Retaliate Save Evidence Report Threats and Messages Report EVERY Incident Prevent Communication with Bully Block Messages, Phone Number, Delete from Social Media Don’t Blame Yourself View From a Different Perspective Don’t Let Bully Control Your Feelings Don’t Beat Yourself Up Get Help from a Trusted Adult Learn to Deal with Stress Do Something You Enjoy

8 Useful Resources

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