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Vocabulary – Test Feb. 3 Oceans.

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1 Vocabulary – Test Feb. 3 Oceans

2 Ch. 18 Vocab. re: WAVES 10- wave: a rhythmic movement (of sea water) where energy is passing through the water 11- crest: the highest point of a wave 12- trough: the lowest point of a wave 13 – wavelength: the horizontal distance measured between the crests (or the troughs) of two adjacent waves 14- breaker: a collapsing ocean wave that forms in shallow water & breaks onto the shore 15- tide: the daily rise & fall in sea level caused by the interaction of gravity in the Earth-Moon system

3 Ocean Floor Features Vocabulary
Continental shelf: End of continent that extends beneath the ocean; flat area we call the “beach” Continental slope: where the ocean water gradually gets deeper; extends from edge to shelf toward ocean floor. Abyssal Plain: Flat seafloor areas 4,000 to 6,000 meters below the ocean surface. Mid-Ocean Ridge: an underwater mountain chain; where new ocean floor is formed Trench: long, narrow depression in ocean floor with steep sides

4 Ch. 19 Vocabulary Words 6 – photosynthesis: the production of food using energy from the Sun 7 – chemosynthesis: the production of food using chemicals rather than sunlight (nitrogen and sulfur compounds) 8 – plankton: marine organisms that drift with the currents 9 – nekton: animals in the ocean that actively swim (rather than drift) 10 – benthos: plants and animals living on the sea floor 11 – estuary: area where the mouth of a river opens into the ocean (fresh water meets salt water) 12 – reef: rigid, ocean margin habitat built by corals 13 – bioluminescence: the ability of a plant or animal to produce their own light

5 Practice labeling this seafloor diagram
Match the letters with the feature: Continental shelf ____ Trench _____ Seamount _____ Abyssal Plain _____ Mid-Ocean Ridge _____ Continental Slope _____ Volcanic Island _____

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