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Mrs. Staples (Formally Miss Matthews)

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Staples (Formally Miss Matthews)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Staples (Formally Miss Matthews)
Welcome to the 6th Grade! Mrs. Staples (Formally Miss Matthews)

2 Who AM I?

3 Get to Know Me My experience My background
I’ve been teaching for 7 years. I’ve worked with all grades through my work as a recreational leader, my time in the Americorps, and student teaching. I have taught 6th grade for my formal teaching experience and for a first a 5/6 combo last year. So I know exactly where they are coming from. I grew up in Vacaville. However, my family is from the South (South Carolina and Texas). I attended Elm Elementary, Jepson Middle School and Graduation from Vacaville High School in 2003. I received my BA in Liberal Studies at CSU Sacramento State, my teaching credential at CSU Monterey Bay and just recently received my masters degree in Administration through Brandman University.

4 Communication My School phone:

5 Newsletter Every Monday I will send out a newsletter via outlining the highlights of our week What I plan on teaching A plan for homework Information about what’s going on in the classroom or around school.

6 Class Goal To become prepared for the 7th grade..... (To be continued by students!)  

7 Classroom Community Our basic classroom and school rules help us get along with each other: Be respectful Be responsible Be Safe On first day of school students will create a set of classroom rules that I will share in first newsletter.

8 Discipline 1st offense – Whole Class Warning
2nd offense – Individual Warning 3rd offense – Moved to “counselor center” fill out reflection – communication with parents 4th offense – referral to Mrs. Rushfords office, phone call home at end of day.

9 Celebrations Celebrations are related to things that need to be celebrated  AR goal – Ice Cream! Trimester Auctions Free time Class Meetings DR. SEUSS DAY!! (pajamas and reading) Birthdays If you bring a treat for your child’s birthday, I request that it’s at the end of the day. Please be mindful as we have C18 students who have food allergies.

10 Class Subjects and Happenings
Math Reading Writing Science Social Studies Music PE (taught be another teacher) Computer Lab Library

11 Pledge/Attendance/Daily News
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:15 Pledge/Attendance/Daily News 8:30 Math Regrouping 9:00 Band/Music *9:15-10:00 Math PE 10:00-10:30 10:00: Math 10:30 Recess 10:40 English Language Arts *Library 11:15-11:45 Wednesdays* 11:55 Lunch 12:30 PE Together time Science 1:05 Dismissal  1:15 Social Studies Class Meeting 2:15 2:30 Clean/Dismissal  Clean/Dismissal

12 Reading Springboard by The College Board AR reading
Reading/Writing curriculum Very different look than Wonders Adjustment period – but set up for middle school success What I’ve seen … AR reading Homework grade Students get individual goals Ice Cream party is goal is exceeded!

13 Math Glencoe Math Course 1 First out of 3 courses (6th, 7th and 8th)
More traditional approach to mathematics Standards are close to 5th grade – very close. It’s probably been a long time since you’ve done this kind of math 

14 Science and Technology
Macmillan/McGraw “Earth Science.” Earths Ecosystems Earth’s Land and Water Heat Energy Energy in the Earth System Plate Techtonics Shapping Earths Surface Earth’s Resources

15 Social Studies Pearson's My World Interactive “Ancient Civilization”
Origins of Civilization Civilizations and Peoples of the Fertile Crescent Ancient Egypt and Kush Early Civilizations of India Early Civilizations of China Ancient Greece The Roman Republic The Roman and Byzantine Empires

16 “Don’t knock it until you try it!”
Music “Don’t knock it until you try it!” Monday’s Band/Music 9:15-10:00 AM  Depending on what setting the students are in the remaining students will be hanging back with me for art class! 

17 Grades Projects/Embedded Assessments – 30% Tests – 30% Quizzes – 20%
Classwork – 10% Homework – 10%

18 Missing Work Every two weeks (Fridays) I will print a missing work report from teacherease  Students will be given a time to meet with me and turn in any assignment they have missed.  Starting the follow Monday that the missing work report has been given assignments will be deducted 10% a day. When the next missing report comes out all assignments from the previous missing work report will be marked at 0. Students can earn 1 extra credit point for turning in a signed missing work report. EVEN IF THE STUDENT IS NOT MISSING ANYWORK. Projects are excluded from this policy as students are given plenty of time to complete. 

19 Homework 60 minutes MAX of homework every night. Due the following day
Independent Reading and Math Work unfinished from the day Good way to communicate any concerns you see from your child. The next couple of weeks they will talk time as they are getting used to new textbook. IT’S OKAY!!

20 Tardiness School starts at 8:15 A.M.
Running late? Check in at the school office before coming to class.

21 Questions?

22 Let’s Have a Great Year!

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