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Judgment of False Teachers

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1 Judgment of False Teachers
II Peter 2:17-22

2 False teachers make promises (vv. 17-19).
A. They are powerless to keep promises (v. 17). B. They are convincing to offer promises (v. 18). C. They are misleading to extend promises (v. 19).

3 False teachers receive punishment (vv. 20-22).
A. Their deception brings about punishment (v. 20) B. Their rejection brings about punishment (v. 21). C. Their apostasy brings about punishment (v. 22).

4 If you were asked to describe a false teacher, could you
If you were asked to describe a false teacher, could you? If someone teaches something false does that make them a false teacher? Who decides whether something is true or false? What about areas in which “good men differ”?

5 Examples in which “good men differ”:
Use of sign gifts today – continuationists Church government Eschatology

6 Examples in which we must hold fast:
Scripture Alone Faith Alone Grace Alone Christ Alone To the Glory of God Alone

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