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ESS Vision 2020.

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Presentation on theme: "ESS Vision 2020."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESS Vision 2020

2 Why does the ESS need a strategic debate on its future today?
"Information and knowledge are fundamental building blocks for all modern societies" ****************** "Official statistics offer an information infrastructure and a public good that responds to the needs of many categories of users - citizens, decision makers, researchers and journalists" "Official statistics have always strived to adapt to major developments in society and the economy" Why do we need a new Vision? We had one, hadn’t we? There was even a small block in it about dissemination: the start of ‘Statistics explained’! Well, here are three quotations from the new Vision. In each of them, you will see that there is some link to what our, your core-business is.

3 Four main drivers Data revolution New metrics Price of statistics
Future of Europe Digital transformation Globalisation Quality vs. resources Enhanced economic governance New data sources Complex reality Reduced budgets Evidence based policy making Go through this, stressing: Pillar 1: digital transformation, of the processes, but also of the output; new data sources, but also new dissemination and communaction metrics; competition among providers, not only of data but also of off-the-peg statistics. Pillar 2: this is a real challenge for us: we come from the description of one-dimensional national phenomena and have just arrived at European harmonisation. Pillar 3 and 4 are other challenges, especially for communication and interaction with users. Competition among data providers Geo-details Cutting the red tape Objectives, thresholds, quality requirements

4 A cooperative approach at ESS level: Task Force Vision 2.0
September 2013 DGINS Open brainstorming on improving the cooperation within the ESS Task Force Vision 2.0 Elaborating a shared vision on the future of European statistics… …taking into account the perspectives of individual ESSC members Working together 7 months 14 countries and Eurostat physical and virtual meetings 2 DG workshops Result of September 2013 DGINS: we need a new vision!

5 Dissemination and Communication
Five priority areas better understand and address user needs be a global partner and leader for innovation build strategic alliances with public and private partners Users abide with the European Statistics Code of Practice apply fit-for-purpose tools to enhance quality assurance assess the usability and quality of source data Quality exploit potential of new data sources invest in new IT tools and methodology continue to improve existing data collection methods New data sources adopt a new dissemination and communication strategy create a data pool of European statistics optimise ESS portfolio of products and services promote European statistics as a brand Dissemination and Communication further intensify the collaborative partnership of the ESS further identify and implement standards for statistical production adopt enterprise architecture as a common reference framework advance in sharing IT services and infrastructure benefit from exchange of (micro)data, while fully respecting statistical confidentiality Production processes

6 Users in the Vision 2020 We will engage proactively in a regular dialogue with users to better understand their needs. Our strategic alliances with both public and private partners will help to respond flexibly to users’ needs. We recognize that different user groups have different needs and we will address this diversity by offering the right information in the right way. We will respond to the need to provide policy-makers with reliable, comparable and timely statistics to execute economic and financial policy. We will strive to be a respected partner and a leader for driving innovations and progress in the global statistical community.

7 Dissemination and Communication in the Vision 2020
We aim for a future-proof dissemination and communication strategy that satisfies divergent and ever-changing user needs at both national and European level, is flexible enough to adapt to emerging technologies, gives guidance in a world of data revolution and serves as a reliable pillar of democracy. We recognise that different user groups have different needs and capabilities, both in terms of products and dissemination channels and we will address this diversity by offering a variety of output channels and services. We will explicitly introduce the brand of “European Statistics” that guarantees a reliable basis for evidence-based decision-making and an unbiased picture of society.

8 What is your Vision? Now it’s the time for implementation.
What would you think could be practical actions to take in order to implement the Vision in the field of User Orientation and Dissemination and Communication? Could you perhaps think of ESS.VIPs or other projects/programs to be developed in these key areas? If this doesn’t work: Questions to launch the discussion on Vision 2020 User orientation Could you think of any more modern means of measuring user satisfaction than a survey? How can we predict future user needs? Or new user groups? Should the ESS provide training for users to enable their analytical capacity? If yes, how? Are there other any future-oriented tools you could think of that would enhance active user involvement? What could be the future role of ESAC? And finally: What of all this (and what else) should, in your opinion, be part of a possible ESS.VIP on User Orientation? Dissemination and Communication Are linked open data really the future? What innovative products could we develop for new metrics (globalization/global value chains, sustainable development, well-being…) Should we ourselves create mobile dissemination products and services or should we leave this to the private sector? Where (in which NSIs) do we find best practices on web services? How can we develop the brand of ‘European Statistics’? And finally: What of all this (and what else) should, in your opinion, be part of a possible ESS.VIP on Dissemination and Communication?


10 ESSC agreement – 15 May 2014 The ESSC:
Came to an agreement on the ESS Vision 2020 as the guiding frame for the ESS development during the years up to 2020 Endorsed the PG Chair's proposal for working arrangements and a roadmap leading up to the 2014 September DGINS meeting in Riga Agreed to align the ESS.VIP Programme with the ESS Vision 2020 Welcomed the roadmap for the extension of the European Statistical Programme for the period on the basis of the ESS Vision 2020

11 PGTF Vision Implementation up to Riga
Governance structure: ESSC as decision making body Vision Implementation Group (VIG) + Vision Implementation Champions Network (VIN) Portfolio Management Unit (within Eurostat) Principles Good portfolio, programme and project management Good governance Definition of Key areas Objectives Actions For instance, in the key area Dissemination and Communication, the following actions were defined: Improve ease with which users can compare national and European statistics Improve communication of European statistics Furtg-her exploit social media channels Develop new dissemination and communication strategy Develop open data portal and products Develop linked open data and web services Develop/promote EU statistics as a brand Develop innovative products for new metrics (globalisation measures/value chains, sustainable development, well-being etc.) -> UA-IPROD? Develop LOD ontologies and navigation end points to integrate EU data Develop dissemination web services, allowing user active data navigation, analytics, visualisation and data upload functions

12 PGTF Vision Implementation up to Riga (continued)
Key Area Dissemination and Communication: objectives new (generic, flexible and global) dissemination and communication strategy; EU data pool and data services allowing navigation, reuse and visualisation. Dissemination data warehouse architecture, Single Entry Point for European statistics, open data portal, tailored products and services (e.g. apps); promoting European statistics as a brand. You can see, these were rather general principles, not very concrete…

13 DGINS and ESSC Riga DGINS acknowledged results of PGTF
More elaboration needed: Concrete deliverables Limited portfolio of ESS.VIPs (‘minibus’) Clarification and operationalisation of selection and prioritisation criteria Prolongation of mandate of PGTF until december Reporting to ESSC in november, there decision on the ‘minibus’ and other issues From on: VIG This is why the DGINS said: More elaboration is needed

14 PGTF Vision Implementation after Riga: Filling the Minibus
How to fill the remaining places in the Minibus? All ‘old’ ESS.VIPs are about efficient and robust processes Consequently, new ESS.VIPs should be in other key areas of the Vision: User orientation, Quality, New Data Sources and Dissemination/Communication Proposals: UA-IPROD (User Analytics and Innovative Products) BIGD (Big Data) DIGICOM (Digital Communication) QUAL (Quality) SUPP (Supporting Frameworks) Business cases needed All this to be confirmed by November ESSC

15 PGTF Vision Implementation after Riga: Filling the Minibus
Your input will be taken on board New challenges will be ahead of you in the implementation phase … but let’s wait for the outcome of the november ESSC We will come back to you !

16 Thank you !

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