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Eric Angat environmental science

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1 Eric Angat environmental science
Plate Tectonics Eric Angat environmental science

2 Essential Question What is the relationship between the type of plate boundary and the locations of various features such as ocean trenches, mountain ranges and mid-ocean ridges? Een 2.1.1

3 Define the following words.
Asthenosphere ( p. 8, 48, 504) Continental crust ( p. 8) tectonic plate ( p ) Convection current (p. 277) Plate boundaries ( p ) Crust (p. 8) Inner core ( p. 8) Fault-block mountain ( p. 538, 548) Epicenter ( p. 499) Fault ( p. 497)

4 Earth’s Interior section 1
How is Earth’s interior divided? What is the lithosphere? Define the following seismic wave, pressure, crust, mantle, lithosphere, asthenosphere, outer core, inner core

5 Convection Currents and the Mantle section 2
How is heat transferred? What causes convection current? Define the following heat transfer, radiation, conduction, convection, density, convection current

6 Drifting Continents. Section 3
Who is Alfred Wegener? Why did most scientist reject Wegener’s continental drift? Define the following Pangaea, continental crust, fossil, oceanic crust

7 Sea Floor Spreading section 4
What is the theory of plate tectonics? Define the following plate, scientific theory, fault, trench, transform boundary, divergent boundary, rift valley, convergent boundary

8 The Theory of Plate Tectonics
What is Plate Tectonics? Draw the following 9 (P ) Transform boundary Mid ocean ridge Subduction zone Converging continental plates Diverging oceanic plates Pangaea

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