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Characteristics of Life

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1 Characteristics of Life

2 All Organisms All organisms must be able to: Reproduce
Obtain resources and use energy Grow and Develop Exchange gases Contain cells Respond Maintain Homeostasis

3 Exchange of Gases Organisms must undergo a process, which exchanges oxygen, carbon dioxide, and any other gases.

4 Response Must be able to respond to a stimulus.
Organisms must be able to adapt to its’ surroundings. An organism’s environment is always changing. Must be able to respond to a stimulus. Ex:

5 Homeostasis Organisms must maintain their internal conditions
Responds to its internal and external environment. Ex: Weather change, Temp. change If your body gets too cool or cold, what response does your body initiate?

6 Reproduction Having the ability to make organisms similar to themselves. Two types of Reproduction: Asexual- One parent creates an offpsring Sexual- Two parents create an offspring

7 Growth and Development
All organisms must be able to grow larger Development All organisms must grow through a process of change. Makes them a more complex organism.

8 Organisms Any Living Thing.

9 Energy Use All organisms must use energy to undergo all life processes. Ex: Eating, growing, thinking, etc….

10 Cellular Organization
All organisms/ living things must contain 1 or more cells. Unicellular- contains 1 cell Multicellular- contains more than 1 cell.



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