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Heuristic Ordering for Asynchronous Backtracking

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Presentation on theme: "Heuristic Ordering for Asynchronous Backtracking"— Presentation transcript:

1 Heuristic Ordering for Asynchronous Backtracking
Amnon Meisels Dept. of Computer Science Ben-Gurion University With Moshe Zazon, Roie Zivan

2 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Overview Distributed Constraints Networks Asynchronous BackTracking - ABT Dynamic ordering for ABT Asynchronous ordering heuristics Retroactive ordering Experimental evaluation 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

3 Constraints Satisfaction Problems - CSPs
{5,6} {1,2,3, } X2 X1 X1 + X2 = 7 X4 < X2 X4 X3 X1 = X4 {a,b,c} {0,1} Variables – X1, X2, X3, X4 Values – {1, 2, 3} are the domain values of X1 Constraints – X3 is constrained with X2 but not with X4 1/13/2019 Meisels and Zivan – IJCAI-09 Tutorial

4 Meisels and Zivan – IJCAI-09 Tutorial
CSPs - Solution {5,6} X2 = 6 X1 + X2 = 7 {1,2,3, } X4 < X2 X1 = 1 X4 = 1 X1 = X4 {0,1} Assignment of a value to each variable Value from the domain of the variable All constraints are satisfied 1/13/2019 Meisels and Zivan – IJCAI-09 Tutorial

5 Meisels and Zivan – IJCAI-09 Tutorial
CSPs – no solution {4,5} {1,2,3} X2 X1 X1 + X2 = 7 X4 < X2 X4 X3 X2 = X3 X3 < X1 X1 = X4 {2,3,4} {0,4} Each constraint can be satisfied Only the value 4 satisfies C(X1,X4) Cannot be satisfied together with C(X2,X4) 1/13/2019 Meisels and Zivan – IJCAI-09 Tutorial

6 Search Algorithms Backtracking
When looking back one can learn conflicting assignments and backtrack to the culprit variable Back Jumping (BJ); Conflict-based Backjumping (CBJ); Dynamic Backtracking (DBT) When looking ahead one can remove incompatible values from future (unassigned) variables or enforce consistency of the remaining variables Forward checking (FC); Directional arc-consistency; Maintaining Arc-Consistency (MAC) 1/13/2019 Meisels and Zivan – IJCAI-09 Tutorial

7 A Distributed Constraint Network
1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

8 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
A “realistic” example Three people want to meet: Avi, Beni, and Chen There are three meetings to set: (Beni, Avi) , (Avi, Chen), and (Beni, Chen) at different locations m3 Beni m1 Local Constraint m1 Inter Constraint m3 m2 m2 Avi Chen 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

9 Distributed Constraints – the Model
Every Agent owns part of the constraints network Agents have no direct access to variables of other Agents To coordinate their value assignments for a solution Agents exchange messages Messages are asynchronous Any search algorithm is a distributed algorithm (since the problem is distributed) 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

10 Sequential (synchronous) BT
An-1 An [V1=2],[V2=1],[V3=?] Current Partial Assignment (CPA) 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

11 Asynchronous Backtracking
Motivation: Concurrent computation HighLights: Agents always hold an assignment which is consistent with their view of the system When there is no consistent assignment with an Agent’s view, a backtrack operation is performed On backtrack operations, agents change their views by eliminating inconsistent assignments 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

12 Asynchronous BackTracking - ABT
Agents are totally ordered Each agent assigns its variable and sends it in ok? messages to agents ordered after it All received assignments are stored in the AgentView Agents check their assignments against their AgentViews An Agent that has no consistent assignment sends a Nogood message to the relevant agent before it Nogood messages cause replacement of assignment, as long as they are consistent with the receiver’s AgentView Yokoo 1998, 2000 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

13 Asynchronous Backtrack (ABT)
{1,2} A1 A2 {2} [A1=1] A3 {1,2} 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

14 Asynchronous Backtrack (ABT)
{1,2} A1 A2 {2} [A2=2] A3 {1,2} 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

15 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Backtrack in ABT AgentView of Agent A3: A1=1, A2=2 Nogood Current Assignment A2 A3=2 A1=1, A2=2 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

16 Asynchronous Backtrack (ABT)
{1,2} A1 A2 {2} A3 [A1=1], [A2=2] {1,2} 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

17 Cycle: 1 2 Active: 2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Nogood message: A1=1 ^ A2=1 ⇒ A3≠1
OK? A2 OK? Active: A3 2,3,4 1,2,3,4 A4 OK? Nogood message: A1=1 ^ A2=1 ⇒ A3≠1 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

18 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Cycle: A1 3 A2 A3 Active: 3 A4 Nogood message: A1=1 ⇒ A2≠3 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

19 Cycle: 5 4 Active: 3,4 2 Nogood message: A1=1 ^ A2=4 ⇒A3≠4 1/13/2019
OK? A3 Active: OK? 3,4 2 A4 Nogood message: A1=1 ^ A2=4 ⇒A3≠4 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

20 Cycle: 6 Active: 4 Nogood message: A1=1 ^ A2=4 ⇒A3≠2 1/13/2019
Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

21 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Cycle: A1 OK? 8 9 7 A2 A3 Active: 3 2 1 A4 Nogood message: A1=1 ⇒ A2≠4 Nogood message: ⇒ A1≠1 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

22 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Cycle: A1 10 11 A2 A3 Active: 3 4 OK? A4 Done! 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

23 ABT – Strong Assumption
All Agents are ordered by a fixed order of Priorities [Yokoo ] [BesBrMes 2001 – 2005] [Hammadi 98 – 2002] [Gomez et. al 2002 – 2005] 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

24 Motivation for dynamic reordering
Sequential assigning algorithms for DisCSPs: Nguyen & Faltings 2004 Brito & Meseguer 2004 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

25 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Why is it a problem? [1] [1] V1 ≠ V2 V1 ≠ V2 A2 A1 V1 = 1 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

26 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Why is it a problem? A2 A1 V1 = 1 [1] [1] V1 ≠ V2 V1 ≠ V2 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

27 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Why is it a problem? [1] [1] V1 ≠ V2 V1 ≠ V2 A1 A2 V1 = 1 V2 = 1 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

28 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Why is it a problem? A2 V2 = 1 A1 [1] [1] V1 ≠ V2 V1 ≠ V2 V1 = 1 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

29 Dynamic ordering can be a problem
[1] [1] V1 ≠ V2 V1 ≠ V2 V2 = 1 V1 = 1 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

30 Reordering – in standard backtracking
1 2 3 4 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

31 Reordering – sequential assignments algorithms
1 2 3 4 4 3 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

32 Reordering – sequential assignments algorithms
1 2 4 3 4 2 4 3 3 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

33 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Reordering – standard backtracking Highlights: Moving forward - choose a desirable order Backtracking is done in the same order as the forward moves Same idea can be applied in Asynchronous Backtracking 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

34 Dynamic Ordering for ABT
Motivation: A general algorithm for dynamic ordering (decoupled from a specific heuristic) Apply known effective heuristics from (centralized) CSP Use polynomial space 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

35 Ordering Rules for Agents in ABT
Change order only when changing assignment Enforce reordering only on Agents with lower priority Maintain a list of pairs (agent_id, counter) Time-stamps Time-stamps are lists of n counters (one for each agent) During assignment Ai increments its counter and sets to 0 counters of agents with lower priority Zivan & Meisels, 2005 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

36 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Agents change order A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Current Order (time-stamp): A2: A3: (A1,1), (A2,2), (A3,4), (A5,0), (A4,0) (A1,1), (A2,3), (A5,0), (A4,0), (A3,0) (A1,1), (A2,2), (A3,3), (A4,1), (A5,0) 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

37 “Time-stamping” Agents’ orderings
Changed time-stamp: (A1,1), (A2,3), (A5,0), (A4,0), (A3,0) 13000 > 12400 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

38 ABT with Dynamic Ordering
[A1,2],[A2,1], [A4,1] A1,A3,A2,A4 A3 ≠ 1 A3 = 1 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

39 ABT with Dynamic Ordering
[A1,2],[A2,1], [A4,1] A1,A3,A2,A4 A1,A3,A4,A2 A3 = 2 A1,A3,A4,A2 A3 = 2 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

40 Another example of Dynamic Ordering
[A1,1],[A3,1],[A2,3],[A4,2] A3 ≠ 1 A3 = 1 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

41 Another example of Dynamic Ordering (II)
[A1,1],[A3,2],[A4,0],[A2,0] [A1,1],[A3,1],[A2,3],[A4,2] [A1,1],[A3,1],[A2,3],[A4,2] [A1,1],[A3,1],[A4,2],[A2,3] [A1,1],[A3,1],[A2,3],[A4,2] A3 = 2 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

42 ABT_DO – Exploring Heuristics
Random: An agent that changes its value randomly orders lower priority agents Min-Domain: based on current domain sizes (good for centralized CSPs) Nogood Triggered: the Nogood sender is positioned right after the Nogood receiver 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

43 Minimal Domain Ordering
Reordering agent conflicting values A1 A2 A3 A4 unchecked values assigned value 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

44 Minimal Domain Ordering
Reordering agent A1 A4 A3 A2 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

45 Nogood Triggered Ordering
Ordering agent A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 1 1 [A1,1] 1 [A1,1] 1 1 [A1,1] [A3,2] [A1,1] 2 2 2 [A1,1] 2 2 [A3,2] 2 [A2,2] 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Nogood message: A1=1 ⇒ A2≠2 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

46 Nogood Triggered Ordering
Ordering agent A1 A2 A5 A3 A4 1 1 [A1,1] 1 [A1,1] 1 [A1,1] 1 2 2 [A1,1] 2 [A1,1] 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

47 Experimental evaluation
Random Problems n – number of agents k – domain size p1 –density: percentage of constrained variables p2 – tightness: percentage of conflicting values Performance Measures: NCCCs: number of non-concurrent constraint checks implementation-independent run-time Network Load: total number of messages 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

48 Experimental results (2005/6)
1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

49 Failure of min-domain heuristic
Agents remove from their current domains only values that conflict with assignments of higher priority agents When an agent is moved to a higher position, it returns to its current domain values that are no longer conflicting The domain sizes after reordering cannot be anticipated by the ordering agent 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

50 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Asynchronous Min-Domain Ordering agent A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 1 1 [A1,1] 1 [A1,1] 1 [A3,2] 1 [A1,1] 2 2 2 [A1,1] 2 2 [A3,2] 2 [A1,1] 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 [A2,2] Nogood message: A1=1 ⇒ A2≠2 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

51 Asynchronous Min-Domain
swap! Asynchronous Min-Domain Ordering agent A1 A2 A5 A4 A3 1 1 [A1,1] 1 [A1,1] 1 1 [A1,1] 2 2 [A1,1] 2 [A1,1] 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

52 Improved Min-domain ordering
Keeping the Min-Domain property Triggered by Nogoods The Nogood generator triggers the move and can check its relative domain size “on its way up” The Nogood generator can be moved to any position in the new order, but only before agents with larger domain sizes 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

53 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
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54 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

55 Retroactive ordering for ABT
If the Nogood generator is moved to a position which is before the second last in the Nogood, all the agents included in the Nogood must keep the Nogood A predefined Nogood size limit k, defines the ordering flexibility – unlimited moves up are allowed only below k Enabling “deep” moves back (“retroactive”) Keeping Nogoods in memory implies a cost in checking against the kept Nogoods Is it worthwhile ? 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

56 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Nogood size limit: 2 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 1 1 1 1 [A3,1] 1 [A1,1] 2 2 2 2 2 2 [A1,1] 3 3 3 3 3 [A2,1] 4 4 4 4 4 4 [A4,2] [A1,1],[A2,1] Current order: (A1,1), (A2,2), (A3,4), (A4,0), (A5,0) Generated nogood: A1=1 ^ A2=1 ⇒ A4≠2 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

57 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Nogood size limit: 2 A1 A2 A5 A3 A4 1 1 1 [A1,1] 1 1 [A3,1] 2 2 2 [A1,1] 2 2 2 3 3 3 [A2,1] 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 [A1,1],[A2,1] New order: (A1,1), (A2,2), (A5,5), (A3,0), (A4,0) 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

58 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Nogood messages Nogood size limit: 3 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 1 1 1 1 [A3,1] 1 [A1,1] 2 2 2 2 2 2 [A1,1] 3 3 3 3 3 [A2,1] 4 4 4 4 4 4 [A4,2] [A1,1],[A2,1] Generated nogood: A1=1, A2=1, A4=2 Current order: (A1,1), (A2,2), (A3,4), (A4,0), (A5,0) 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

59 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Nogood size limit: 3 A1 A5 A2 A3 A4 1 1 [A1,1] 1 1 1 [A1,1] 2 2 [A1,1] 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 [A1,1],[A2,1] New order: (A1,1), (A5,3), (A2,0), (A3,0), (A4,0) 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

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1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

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1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

62 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Conclusions Moving agents to the highest position possible was found to deteriorate the performance of the algorithm The best heuristic moves to a higher position only agents whose domains are small Avoids the return of values to domains as a result of asynchronous reordering 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

63 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Thank You 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

64 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
One variable per agent The choice of most studies in the field Simplifies the problem Two major justifications: Single-variable agents can be perceived as virtual agents Multiple-variable assignments (to a local constraint network) can be viewed as a value for a single complex variable 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

65 Virtual agents in a local network
[0,1,2,3] V6 A6 V4 [0,1] A4 [0,1,2] Agent1 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

66 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Single local variable V1 [0,1,2,3] [V1=0,V2=0,V3=0 V1=1,V2=0,V3=0 V1=0,V2=1,V3=0 ………………….. ..………………….] V6 Var1 V4 [0,1] [0,1,2] Agent1 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

67 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Pros and Cons of ABT Advantages: Concurrent Computation Backjumping Forward-checking Drawbacks: Computation is done against inconsistent partial assignments Order is static - high priority agents are idle 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

68 ABT – Improvements & Versions
Read all messages in the mailbox and respond accordingly Resolve Nogoods, to send back shorter inconsistent partial assignments Use dynamic backtracking techniques, to keep only a polynomial number of Nogoods Performance improvements can be substantial Yokoo , Bessiere & Meseguer 2001, 2005 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

69 Which order is most up-to-date?
Time-Stamping method of Nguyen & Faltings 2004: Each order is time-stamped A time-stamp is an array of integers of size n, all initialized to 0 Each agent that assigns its variable, updates the time-stamp as follows: Counters of higher priority agents are untouched The counter of the assigning agent is incremented by 1 The counters of lower priority agents are set to zero Time-stamps are compared lexicographically 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

70 Choosing the right heuristic
Heuristics that work well for sequential assignment algorithms fail for ABT_DO (min-domain) After each change of order, relevant Nogoods are discarded Nogood-triggered heuristic [Ginsberg-93] Agent changes its current order only when it receives a Nogood which causes an assignment change The Nogood sender is moved to a place immediately following that of the assigning agent The only agent that moves up has no conflicts with newly formed lower priority agents  few Nogoods are removed 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

71 Yokoo’s comparison ABT vs SBT
1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

72 Asynchronous Weak Commitment - AWC
Motivation: Re-exmination of the queen problem shows that there is no solution as long as the first queen does not change its assignment. A large search space is therefore explored for vain with ABT. HighLights: Agents always hold an assignment which is consistent with their view on higher position agents When agent has no consistent assignment with its view a backtrack operation is performed On backtrack operations, agents change their position in the order. 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

73 Asynchronous Weak Commitment -AWC
Each agent holds non-negative value which represents its priority order. Agent sends its order priority and current value to its neighbors through ok? messages. Priority value is stored in the AgentView When agent cannot find a consistent value, it sends Nogoods to other agents and increment its priority value. If the same Nogood was already sent the agent just waits for incoming messages Yokoo 2000 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

74 Cycle: 1 2 Active: 1,2,3,4 4 (0) (0) (0) (0) (1)
Nogood message: A1=1, A2=3, A3=2 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

75 Cycle: 3 2 Active: 4 3 (0) (0) (0) (2) (1)
Nogood message: A4=3, A1=1 , A2=4 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

76 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Cycle: A1 (0) (0) 3 4 A2 (0) A3 Active: (0) (2) 1 3 A4 (1) Done! 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

77 Yokoo’s comparison ABT vs AWC
1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

78 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Pros and Cons of AWC Advantages: Concurrent Computation Forward-checking Ordering is not static Computation is shared more equally by agents Drawbacks: Agents need to store and maintain an exponential number of Nogoods. The algorithm is coupled with specific ordering and value selection. The algorithm performs well for sparse problems but shows poor results for hard instances. 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

79 Why does AWC perform well on sparse problems ?
Search Space Non-Solution Space Solution Space 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

80 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010
Why does AWC perform well on sparse problems ? Search Space Solution Space Non-Solution Space 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

81 Cycle: 2 1 Active: 1,2,3,4 3,4 (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (1)
Nogood message: A1=1, A2=4, A3=2 1/13/2019 Retroactive Ordering – Udine 2010

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