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Whirligig Project By: Isabelle Attar.

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1 Whirligig Project By: Isabelle Attar

2 What are the consequences of an individual not pursuing his/her identity?

3 First of all, Brent was too insecure to be himself and pursue his own identity. The consequences of that were really intense and very extreme. “He disliked being seen in his neighbourhood, where the glances he drew were too long or too short. Among strangers he felt no less an outcast, their blind assumption that he was one of them making his wince inside.” Pg.36

4 In this quote Brent expresses the confused feelings he holds within himself that he’s too afraid to tell anyone. He shows the reader that he fears others thoughts and opinions on his actions, and he tells us how angry he is at himself for what he had done. Sometimes you really need to hit rock bottom to understand what you had been doing. For Brent, rock bottom was getting into a car drunk, and driving recklessly without a care if he died or not.

5 Text to world: Gambling

6 Text to self Self identity

7 Another quote representing an individual not pursuing their identity is the quote from Tony.
“Actually, I’d rather be my sister, Kelsey. She’s not named after anybody. She’s adopted too, but from Peru. Talk about no pressure, except maybe to learn to spin llama wool.” Pg.79

8 I think that another factor of a person not pursuing their true identity is jealousy. Tony’s parents expected him so do well in school, music, and lots of other things too, just because of his race. Tony’s parents didn’t give him a chance to express what he wanted to do in life and what his interests were. So, Tony became jealous of the other boys playing baseball and through jealousy he became rebellious against his parents.

9 Text to self Swimming lessons

10 Text to world Stereotypes

11 Ripples: Twitter activity














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