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Liquid gold ADP! 01/08/2019 Matti Karjalainen Patrick Timmer

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Presentation on theme: "Liquid gold ADP! 01/08/2019 Matti Karjalainen Patrick Timmer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Liquid gold ADP! 01/08/2019 Matti Karjalainen Patrick Timmer
AALTO DISRUPTION PARTNERS Liquid gold 01/08/2019 Matti Karjalainen Patrick Timmer Lauri Hanninen Tommi Bergstrom

2 We are running out of Water!

3 Content Rationale Root Cause Analysis Affected Industries
Reaction of Companies Our Critique Our Recommendation

4 Rationale After 1 Day… We still have enough Water in Plastic Bottles…
After 2 Days… We slowly, but steadily start smelling a bit… After 3 Days… We run out of Poutine… After 4 Days… We run out of Critical Medicines… After 1 Week… We do not need medicines any more…

5 Analysis of Root Causes
Fresh Water is Scarce Fresh Water is in need for everything Demand for Fresh Water is increasing GDP Growth Population Growth Fresh Water is Getting Polluted Fresh Water is Getting affected by Climate Change Fresh Water is Getting Even More Scarce

6 Affected Industries Water Food & Agriculture Hospitality Retail
Power Generation Transport Manufacturing Technology

7 Why are externalities of water not reflected in the prices?

8 Affected Industries Laptop

9 Affected Industries 2700 Liters

10 Affected Industries Beef-Burger

11 Affected Industries Liters

12 Reaction Deny Accept Prevent & Disrupt
Do not care about it and keep on polluting for the sake of profit Accept Implement Measures to Reduce Water Consumption in all Operations Prevent & Disrupt Develop & Implement New Technologies

13 Critique Government No clear course of action
Price of water is too low and same for everyone Companies Pollution Unsustainable actions Individuals Wasting water Unsustainable consuming

14 Action Governments Companies Individuals

15 Action Governments Progressive Pricing Legislation against water waste
Legislation against water pollution

16 Carbon emissions are taxed but excessive water usage is not
Action Water Tax Company 1 Uses a lot of water Doesn’t pollute Doesn’t pay anything Company 2 Uses a small amount of water Pollutes Pays a lot of taxes Carbon emissions are taxed but excessive water usage is not

17 Action Companies Invest in water purification Closed-loop supply chain
High focus on sustainability Long-term strategy

18 Action Closed-Loop Supply Chain
Recycling of Materials internally or externally Company Send back Buy & Deliver Customer

19 Individuals Stop wasting water Make sustainable consuming decisions
Demand smarter choices from the government

20 Why Now? First-mover advantage
Action Why Take Action? Sustainable companies are outperforming unsustainable ones Previews of water shortages already visible Why Now? First-mover advantage

21 We are running out of Water!

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