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Foundations of Government

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Presentation on theme: "Foundations of Government"— Presentation transcript:

1 Foundations of Government
1620 Mayflower Compact Government

2 Why do we need Government?

3 ???????????? Order Protection Public Goods

4 Public Goods? Roads Schools Parks Police & Fire

5 Building Blocks of Gov. 2 essential powers 1. Means of Coercion (law)
2. Means of collecting revenue ($$)

6 Who Should Rule? One? A few? Many? Pros & Cons

7 Aristotle Categorized 1. Number of people ruling 2. motivation (why)

8 Policy Best qualified dominate Well intentions

9 Today !!!! Nation-States Nation State

10 Nation Group of people who share a common ethnic origin, culture & language

11 State Geographical area controlled by a single government

12 4 characteristics Territory

13 population

14 government Code of laws or legal system

15 Sovereignty Self governing Independent

16 Check 1.3 4 characteristics of a nation-state?
3 purposes of government?

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