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6th Grade English Language Arts

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1 6th Grade English Language Arts
The Elements of Drama 6th Grade English Language Arts 1

2 Essential Question How does drama provide the reader a different experience than prose (short stories, novels) or poetry? Turn and Talk - share out 2

3 Drama Comes from the Greek Word, “Dran” Means “To do” or “To Act”
is a story told in front of an audience. Addresses a serious subject 3

4 Drama… …is a story told in front of an audience 4

5 Elements of Drama Playwright-the author of a play
Actors-the people who perform Acts-the units of action Scenes-parts of the acts

6 Elements of Drama Script- Written version of the play or movie
Set/Scenery-Construction on the stage that shows time and place. Aside- words spoken to audience by a character that can’t be heard by other characters Narrator- speaks directly to the audience to tell the action in the scene, motivation of actors. Not involved in the action of the play

7 Dramatic Speech Dialogue-conversation between or among characters
Monologue-long speech by one single character (private thoughts) 7

8 Conflict The internal (Self your mindset) or external struggle between opposing forces, ideas, or interests that create dramatic tension. Man, Nature, Society 8

9 Stage Directions Found in brackets [ ]
Describe scenery and how characters speak C, Center Stage L, Stage Left R, Stage Right U, Upstage or Rear D, Downstage or Front Copy on a new page - be prepared to fill this out blank 9

10 Set Construction on the stage that shows time/place
Could be called Scenery 10

11 Theatre Where a play takes place 11

12 Props Small movable items that the actors use to make actions look real 12

13 Characterization Is the playwright’s technique for creating believable characters. Indirect- infer(develops throughout play ) Direct- told verbally Take a moment to define direct and indirect characterization 13

14 Types of Drama Drama is used to describe plays that address a serious subject. 14

15 Types of Drama Comedy is a form of drama that has a happy ending. Humor comes from the dialogue and situations. 15

16 Types of Drama Tragedy is a form of drama in which events lead to the downfall of the main character, often a person of great significance, like a king or hero. 16

17 Dynamic Character character undergoes a significant internal change over the course of the story Scrooge changes from a tight-fisted, greedy unhappy man to one who was generous and loved life. Gru changes from a villain set on destroying the world to a loving father.

18 Static Character Character who does not undergo a significant change
Readers learn little about this character. Static characters are flat characters.

19 Round Characters Character is thoroughly described in play
Round characters have various characteristics or traits. A round character can change or grow. Readers see more than one side of a round character.

20 Flat Character Character not well described or not given much information about Readers see one side of a flat character. Flat characters are usually minor characters and reveal one or two traits. Flat characters may be used as a contrast to a major character.

21 Protagonist The Protagonist is central to the action of a story and moves against the antagonist. (The Main Character)

22 Antagonist The antagonist is the opponent or enemy which opposes the main character the protagonist.

23 Major vs Minor Character
Major-Plays a large role in play, usually face an obstacle or conflict Minor-Does not Play a large role, just interacts with main characters

24 Elements of Drama Flashback-Scene that occurred before the present time in story (Prologue) Foreshadow-Clues about what will happen later in the story Epilogue- what happens after the play

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