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Department of Corrections Services Strategic Plan for 2006/ /11

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1 Department of Corrections Services Strategic Plan for 2006/07-2010/11
DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONAL SERVICES Department of Correctional Services Department of Corrections Services Strategic Plan for 2006/ /11 May 2006

2 CONTENTS Background to development of 2006/07 Strategic Plan and Budget Strategic Priorities in 2006/07 Strategic Plan and years beyond Development to bidding stage Current development Challenges for implementation Virement

3 Background to the development of 2006/07 – 2010/11
Development of a 5 year plan which prioritizes 1st year of operation Mid-term review of 2005/06 of organisational performance Revised targets for year 1 Adjustment of targets for years that follow (improved by changes in DCS environment) Mid term performance assessment Identifying new and emerging needs

4 Background to the development of 2006/07 – 2010/11
The product of the session provides for; Departmental input into the MinComBud Development of Estimates of National Expenditure (ENE) Await new policy directives from Cabinet Lekgotla (Completed) Await policy directives from SONA

5 Background to the development of 2006/07 – 2010/11
Revised and final draft of the Strategic Plan (Completed) Development of Branch and Regional Operational Plans (New format May) Performance Agreement of SMS (Completed) Compilation of Annual Report (Began in April)

6 Strategic Priorities in 2006/07 Strategic Plan and years beyond

7 Administration Prioritization and implementation of the HR strategy (Performance management, Employee relations, Recruitment, selection and retention) Development of standardized and comprehensive training on Minimum Information Security Standards, Minimum Security Standards for Head of Security, HOCCs, Area Commissioners

8 Administration Continue provision of training for ju8nior and middle management Extend leadership training to Senior management Provide legal support and fight corruption Target implementation of internship for 500 people Improve IT and information management environment Amendment to CSA Improved management of SCM

9 Security Completion of the Biometric system and implementation
Installation of fences Development and implementation of 5 year Security plan based on Min. Security Standards Building capacity for security information management

10 Corrections Implementation of the Offender Rehabilitation Path (involves all branches in the Department) Implementation of corrections programmes (accredited service providers) Implementation of systems to improve centre and offender management Policy development and implementation

11 Development Finalizing policy on compulsory programmes
Implementation of Offender Skills Development Plan (employability) Provide existing skills and education programmes Expand national agriculture and production workshops

12 Care Finalization of the HIV prevalence
Finalizing policy on compulsory programmes Phase in provision of primary health care Provide needs based programmes (social work, spiritual and psychological programmes)

13 Social Reintegration Social Reintegration
Prioritization of social reintegration and ensure improved community participation Improve the functioning of departmental paroling system Implement classification system for Parolees and probationers Develop programmes for pre-release, supervision and reintegration

14 Facilities Continued management of upgrading Building new facilities
Develop departmental capacity for own resource and management of devolution of functions from DPW Development of Medium term facility development and management plan

15 A Developments since 2000 to Bidding Stage
Department of Correctional Services A Developments since 2000 to Bidding Stage Blue Print model developed by Private consultant. Through NDPW Consultant teams were appointed to develop the Blue Print further. Original Blue Print costs was estimated at R150 million Short comings were identified and resulted in Baseline 1 at a cost of R230 million. This followed by Baseline 2 and later Baseline 3 at R282 million. With escalation Baseline 3 increased to R350 million. Still further developments resulted in Baseline 4 which was 18% over Baseline 3’s cost of R350 million. Tender documentation was completed early in 2004.

16 B. Bid Adjudication and IQS Report
Department of Correctional Services B. Bid Adjudication and IQS Report Three of the projects, Kimberley, Leeuwkop and Nigel were split into phases. * Phase I – Bulk Earth Works * Phase II – Main Contractor with Incubator program sub-contractors Phase I : Was fully completed on July 2005 at all three Centres with a total cost of R80.8 million Phase II: Bids were called for Klerksdorp 5/11/2004; Nigel 25/02/2005; and Kimberley 04/03/2005 and received for all three. Kimberley: Bid adjudicated in April 2005 and came to R571.7 million Klerksdorp: Only one Bid was received and rejected. Nigel: Bids received but not adjudicated. (Waiting for appointment of Private Project Manager)

17 Bid Adjudication and IQS Report
Department of Correctional Services Bid Adjudication and IQS Report Continue Outcome of Bid Adjudication show that cost of centres is substantial higher than the budgeted amount.. In July 2005 DCS decided to appoint with the assistance of NDPW an IQS to evaluate the bids documentation and to provide both Departments with an assessment of the price escalation and compare it with market trends. The IQS report highlighted the following: The incubator procurement model. Increase in building costs. Timing of the tenders in respect of market conditions This negatively influenced the bidding process.

18 Current Developments This lead to the following decisions:
Department of Correctional Services Current Developments Continue This lead to the following decisions: Decided to continue with Kimberley with the following difference Abandon the Incubator programme (Premium DCS is paying for this route is ± 14% of the cost) Adjust Bidding documentation to allow for main contractor and own choice of sub-contractors. Call for open re-bidding system to allow a larger sector of the contraction market to submit bids. Will be more competitive and to the advantage of DCS. Tender documentation will be published on 19 May 2006 with the target date to handover the site to the successful bidder in September 2006

19 Challenges Attracting scarce skills Corruption prevention
Filling vacancies Intake capacity versus turnover levels Prone to recruiting from within Brain drainage Overhauling community corrections

20 Challenges Develop own capacity to be able to manage facilities
COEs - issues requiring management intervention to be prioritized for implementation from the first quarter of 2006/7. Improve capacity to deliver at management area level taking into account local government’s role Finalization of policies

21 VIREMENTS 2005/06 During 2005/06 s43 of PFMA was adhered to, to re-prioritise savings from compensation of employees to fund the following major projects: R’000 Information Technology Fleet Management Fencing X-Ray Scanners TV Monitors Other compensation of employees Total

22 Correctional Services values your role in breaking cycle of crime: in making rehabilitation work.
Thank you Together we can strengthen social compact against crime, for better life.

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