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“Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”

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1 “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”
DaVinci Update - DoD Colonel Albert Bonnema, Chief, Information Delivery Division “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”

2 DaVinci Project Background
JIF Proposal Submitted in June 2013 VA Sponsor – Dr Jonathon Nebeker DoD Sponsor – Col John Scott Purpose Increase DoD-VA data integration for interagency collaboration/resource sharing Implement governance process for interagency operation & research collaboration Identify technical solution for each agency to access & use data Identify opportunities to leverage integrated platform to develop novel clinical tools and test computing performance JIF Execution Awarded to BFS Pillars Contract – Sept 28, 2015 Product Manager – DHA HIT, Info Delivery Div; Project Office – MIDS IPT, SPAWAR New VA Sponsors – Mr. Scott Duvall, Mr. Jack Bates Program of Record – Clinical Enterprise Intelligence “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”

3 DaVinci Proposal Concept
“Interoperable Analytics Warehouse” Core Capabilities Analysis, Research, Surveillance, and Integration Persistent, computable data Advanced Analytics - Pop Health, Registries

4 Key Milestones #1 – A Case Definition
The Population-Defined Criteria to aggregate data for the DaVinci Data Mart “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”

5 Key Milestone #2 - Project Phases
Phases 0 and 1 combined provide proof of concept with exposure of both unstructured and structured data. Objective is to demonstrate the inter-department capability to share data via an appropriately secured transfer media. The initial operating capability (IOC) is achieved in Phase 2 with successful user access to the bilaterally exposed patient data, available with contextual relevance via appropriate terminology mapping. Phase 2 is broken into two sub-phases “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”

6 Key Milestone #3 – Modern Architecture
Hosting – Dev/Test in Amazon Cloud Computing Production – IA approval in progress Portal Platform CarePoint – CAC/PIV Joint Registries Data Warehouse HSDW, AFCHIPS, & COHORT Data Integration ACS DAL “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”

7 Key Milestone #4 – Searchable Clinical Notes
Sub-project: To demonstrate the technical capabilities of the DaVinci system, Natural Language Processing software will combine structured and unstructured data from disparate sources then apply natural language processing, machine learning and a variety of proprietary cognitive computing techniques to deliver unique insights. Data Sources: EDV synthetic patient record data from DOD & VA (structured data) NIH The Cancer Genome Atlas pathology reports (unstructured data) Deliverables: Population-level analysis of lung cancer trends and comparisons across the DOD, VA and general population. Facility-level analysis and performance comparison in outcomes such as survival rates and recurrence. Patient-level analysis to determine predictive models for survival, cancer recurrence and other outcomes. Data visualizations in Knowledge Graphs, Tableau, etc. “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”

8 Expected Benefits and Success Factors from DaVinci
VA/VHA acquire aggregated data from the DoD to support Research VA/VHA exchange data at the EHR and Analytic/Population level DoD obtains data for operations, performance, and population health Future collaborative projects like Hearing CoE, Homelessness Study, Opioid Registry, Precision Medicine, and Cancer Moonshot can have a core analytics platform, governance, and IRB baseline Success Factors Hearing Center of Excellence – Joint DoD/VA advanced analytics registry NICOE is the most advanced analytics implementation in the MHS MHS Pop Health Portal – the most advanced operational analytic in the MHS - Registry of Registries; Predictive Analytics; >10K users “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”

9 Enterprise Intelligence Branch … supports the MHS strategic goals through delivery of timely, relevant, and actionable information to all levels of the organization. Data Science Lab [Data Discovery / Research Section] Analytic Workbench [Analytics / BI Section] Information Portal [Clinical Decision Support Section] MHS Health Statistics Data Discovery Epidemiologic Support Statistical Support Big Data Analytic Reports Data Science Tools / Sandbox Predictive Analytics Research De Identified Datasets Operational Analytic Datasets Operational Analytic Reports Enterprise Measurement Enterprise Dashboards Enterprise BI Reporting Deep Dive Analysis Analytic Tools / Sandbox Self Service Business Intelligence Data & Information Web Services Data Driven Alerts and Recommendations Evidence Based Medicine Rules Risk Assessment and Management (ie. ACG, etc.) Population Health Assessment and Management CPG Adherence Analysis

10 “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”
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