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User Forum 20 September 2018 1.

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1 User Forum 20 September 2018 1

2 Agenda Item * Description Who Time 1 Registration
Tea and coffee on arrival Trading parties 09: :00 Live video streaming starts* 10:00 2 Welcome Housekeeping Update on actions Steve Arthur 10: :15 3 Update on market improvement activities since July Introduction to the new suite of dashboards and key observations Update on data improvement plan activities Steve Arthur / Mike Robertson 10:15 – 11:00 4 3x half hour group sessions to discuss insights from dashboard charts and identify key blockers, dependencies and changes required to deliver improvements (online sessions to be facilitated for Skype participants) Update on MPOP Data Improvement activities and plans (Coffee available from 11:30) 11:00 – 13:00 5 Lunch 13:00 – 13:45 CPM008 Redistribution of Market Performance Standards Charges change proposal  Nigel Sisman / MOSL 13:45 – 14:30 6 Market Design Decision on RF Settlement Run Update on Panel Plan and Change Panel TEIC Work Plan  Adam Richardson / Rebecca Mottram Zainab Mohammed 14:30 – 15:15 7 AOB wrap up and close 15:15– 15:30 User Forum, September 2018

3 Welcome and Update on Actions
Steve Arthur

4 User Forum Actions ID Status Action Date Raise Owner
Target Completion Date Comments and Update UF06_01 Recommend Closure MOSL to look at costing around disputed runs if required (G reads) 14 June 18 Steve Lyon / Steve Arthur Costings are being looked at within MOSL and information will be shared before RF Settlement comes in to effect. UF06_02 TPs to generate test scenarios around G reads, MOSL agreed to outline additional test scenarios. TPs / MOSL RF Settlement run decision by Ofwat will be covered later today UF06_03 TPs to identify additional monitoring metrics to be reported as part of top 10 DQ initiatives. TPs Will be covered as part of the MPOP UF07_1 Update on NAPS change proposal 19 July 18 Market Design Awaiting decision from Authority UF07_01 Publication of the MPOP and next steps 19th July Market Performance This is will be discussed in the next agenda item User Forum, September 2018

5 Market Performance Operating Plan

6 Part One – Key Information and Updates

7 Update on key market improvement activities since July
July – draft MPOP published for consultation August – development of underpinning plans, governance and initial key deliverables September – launch of trading party data improvement plan activity July – trading party feedback received September – release of three new dashboards to support enabling efficient settlement and switching User Forum, September 2018

8 Feedback on the MPOP Feedback on the MPOP received from 13 respondents, representing a range of wholesaler, retailer and independent views The responses were broadly supportive, with respondents generally welcoming the MPOP and the priority outcomes/plans to be progressed Key themes emerging from feedback where further clarity has been requested include: Overall governance of MPOP and the ability to plan and resource the activities The overall process by which market issues have been included and prioritized Whether the resolution of the RF settlement issue is being prioritised within MPOP Whether the MPOP sets out the right balance between a self-regulation approach to improvement versus a more coordinated central approach. In summary, MOSL welcomes the feedback it has received and is now progressing the MPOP as set out in the draft documentation. A baseline version of the MPOP, with minor updates to address areas of feedback received, is due to be published alongside copies of the consultation responses received. User Forum, September 2018

9 Introduction to the new suite of dashboards
Three new dashboards have been developed and launched, covering (1) retailer settlement, (2) wholesaler settlement and (3) switching Launched to trading parties on 13 September via communication to Contract Managers An associated guidance document and a short film introducing the dashboards is available on the MOSL website on the Market Planning & Risk page These dashboards are ‘V1.0’ – further iterations of these dashboards are planned, as well as the development of a further dashboard in relation to regional wholesaler performance MOSL is also in the process of developing detailed SPID/meter level reports for each trading party User Forum, September 2018

10 Update on data improvement plan activities
Part A: summary information on in-flight or planned data improvement activities that are expected to have an impact on settlement Part B: targets and planned trajectories for making improvements against specific metrics (YVE and long-unread meters for retailers; unpaired SPIDs, non-market meter reads and meter location data for wholesalers) User Forum, September 2018

11 Update on data improvement plan activities
Activity Responsible Date Retailer and Wholesaler Settlement dashboards published MOSL 13/09/18 Request for Information for Data Improvement Plans issued User Forum discussion session regarding overall approach 20/09/18 Submission of completed data improvement plan templates trading parties 12/10/18 Presentation of initial market-level summary to the Panel and MPC 31/10/18 Commence monthly cycle of review and tracking Nov 18 User Forum, September 2018

12 Part Two – Breakout Session

13 Breakout sessions Blockers Dependencies Changes required
Format: three groups to rotate around stations to review/discuss key insights from the dashboard charts and to capture the information below To successfully deliver improvement, what needs to be addressed in terms of the primary… Blockers Dependencies Changes required At the overall market level Specifically for wholesalers Specifically for retailers User Forum, September 2018

14 Backup – dashboard screenshots

15 Document title here User Forum, September 2018

16 Document title here User Forum, September 2018

17 Document title here User Forum, September 2018

18 User Forum, September 2018

19 Lunch 19

20 Ofwat’s referral of CPM008: ‘Redistribution of Market Performance Standard Charges’
Nigel Sisman 20

21 Ofwat referral of CPM008 Background
Trading parties pay Market Performance Standard Charges (MPSC) Code provisions attribute monies (‘pot’) to trading parties proportional to MOSL charges CPM008 proposed to have separate retailer and wholesaler ‘pots’ To avoid financial transfer from retailers to wholesalers given major transaction volume differences Apportionment proportional via MOSL charges. Ofwat considered the proposal is likely to result in weak incentives for good performance for wholesalers and large retailers. Ofwat advocated further work to improve on the proposal or to develop an alternative. Ofwat referral of CPM008 User Forum, September 2018

22 Market Performance Committee (MPC) activity
The Panel requested the MPC to: Consider Ofwat’s comments Endeavor to return to the Panel in October with a revised proposal (if possible) The next slide further reflects the MPC’s deliberations Section 1 Background Section 2 Analysis of incentive and redistribution properties Section 3 Early experience of outcomes Section 4 MPC deliberations Section 5 Analysis of performance-based approaches Section 6 Wider considerations Section 7 Conclusions Appendix 1 Supplementary data tables Appendix 2 Example of approach 4 Appendix 3 Example of adaptation of approach 3 Document title here

23 Key deliberations Should the “pot” be redistributed? No Yes
Maintains incentives associated with payment of charges for performance failures. Promotes clear, focussed decision making about trading party efforts and expenditures to manage performance and MPS liabilities. Should the “pot” be redistributed? Charges and redistribution should not generate a net charge to the trading party community (because otherwise it might contribute to costs that will be transferred to customers). No Yes Pot distributed “outside the market” Pot distributed “within the market” Non-performance based e.g Code, CPM008 Pot distributed “within the market” Loss of money from the industry unacceptable – imposes extra cost on consumer Challenge to find good, efficient schemes in a timely way – perhaps a longer term ambition Counter intuitive outcomes – unacceptable to Ofwat Appears attractive – complements MPSC provided good approach can be found! User Forum, September 2018

24 Seeking a performance based attribution approach
Four approaches were considered Approach 3 does not attribute all monies, so might need refinement. Given time pressures, MPC’s marginal preference was for approach 4. No Metric Approach 1 On-time tasks Success fee per task – On time tasks using two separate (wholesaler/retailer) pots 2 Success fee per task – On time tasks using one pot 3 On-time tasks expressed as a % of total tasks Percentage on-time tasks multiplicative adjustment to MPSC 4 Banded approach tilted to reward good performance User Forum, September 2018

25 Understanding approach 4
Initialisation Define number of zones Define redistribution multipliers*. Application Rank trading parties by performance Stack MPS charges in ranking order Define zone boundaries consistent with aggregate MPS charges Attribute redistribution credit taking account of components in all zones. *Redistribution multiplies should sum to number of zones if redistribution is to match aggregate MPS charges See report Appendix 2 for more comprehensive information User Forum, September 2018

26 Approach 4 - initialisation
Consider an illustrative example involving five zones Concepts The “MPS charge stack” is divided into equal-sized zones Each zone is associated with its own multiplier The MPS charges associated with better performing zones attract more favourable multipliers than those in lower performance zones Cumulative threshold boundaries % 20 40 60 80 100 Redistribution multipliers 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 User Forum, September 2018

27 Approach 4 - application
Concepts Each trading party has a performance value and an MPS Charge Trading parties are first ranked by performance and then a stack of the charges is made Each block in the stack represents the size of the MPS charge The stack is then partitioned into the zones MPS charges then attract the relevant redistribution credit depending upon the zone In what follows: if a trading party has a performance of 90 per cent and MPS charges of £25,000 then it will be represented as: Position in stack determined by ranking associated with 90 per cent performance Height of block represents £25,000 User Forum, September 2018

28 Approach 4 - application
Stack constructed from MPS charges for each trading party, with the best performing trading party at the top MPSC 100% TPs in this zone receive 2 x MPS charges as redistribution credit Increasing performance, Height of bar represents MPS charges for each TP 80% TPs in this zone receive 1.5 x MPS charges as redistribution credit 60% TPs in this zone receive 1.0 x MPS charges as redistribution credit 40% TPs in this zone receive 0.5 x MPS charges as redistribution credit 20% TPs in this zone receive no redistribution credit so face full exposure to MPS charges 0% TPs straddling the zone will attract two different redistribution rates based on their components in each zone User Forum, September 2018

29 … and a second numerical example (approach 4)
User Forum, September 2018

30 Approach 4: some issues from Skype Open House 12 September
Some issues were raised in Open House, initial response has been provided, for example: Issue: Perfect performers won’t get a reward! Yes, but perfect performance unlikely! More general point arises from the principle of applying a multiplier to MPS charges (a measure of inadequate performance) as a reward for good performance Issue: Isn’t it best to be at the bottom of the top band but with high charges? Yes, best theoretical outcome, but difficult to achieve this position Dangerous to contemplate reducing performance if risk of falling in “lower” zone Effects easily mitigated by increased number of zones If perverse behaviours occur these would be apparent in analysis of regime performance. Issue: Cliff edge effect, a small performance change could move trading party into a different zone Yes, but a positive to drive incentives If perceived as dysfunctional then might be mitigated by more zones and less reward differentiation between zones. User Forum, September 2018

31 Understanding refined approach 3
Initialisation Define bands of trading parties by size Two stage application Define first attribution Calculated as MPSC * performance factor Define secondary attribution Calculate rank of trading parties by performance (higher performance higher rank) Calculate unattributed MPSC within band Calculate individual trading parties secondary attribution based on rank weighting * unattributed MPSC Individual trading party attribution = first attribution amount + second distribution amount User Forum, September 2018

32 Application of enhanced approach 3
Approach developed to address issues associated with differing sizes of trading parties “unattributed” Primary attribution Secondary attribution Total attribution MPSC TPs ranked in terms of size using a metric eg. PIV “Very large TPs” “Large TPs” Height of bar represents MPS charges for each TP Secondary attribution Unattributed monies apportioned in ratio 1:2:3 based on performance ranking “Mid-range TPs” “Smaller TPs” Primary attribution = MPSC * Performance % User Forum, September 2018

33 … and a second numerical example (enhanced approach 3)
Perhaps many ways to vary the themes in an enhanced approach 3? User Forum, September 2018

34 Enhanced Approach 3: Some issues from Skype Open House 12 September (1/2)
Some issues were raised in Open House, initial response has been provided, for example: Issue: Could some players gain disproportionate benefits if in a poor performance group? The approach is designed to group trading parties into groups reflecting a measure of size. Individual trading party outcomes will be affected by the group to which they are allocated, their individual performance and their relative performance position (ranking) within the group. The secondary distribution allocates the residual pot for the group and so the secondary distribution benefit is linked to performance levels in the group. The effects, however, might be expected to be small and it is unlikely that the effects would detract from trading parties’ incentives to respond to the MPS charges themselves. User Forum, September 2018

35 Enhanced approach 3: Some issues from Skype Open House 12 September (2/2)
Issue: Ranking approach may generate large differences in outcomes for even quite small (0.5-1 per cent) performance differences The strict ranking has good incentive properties 0.5 per cent performance difference might represent a large number of transactions (particularly for larger trading parties) If the issue is perceived as a problem then a banded approach where within the volume band trading parties are associated with performance ranges for ranking purposes then additional parameters could be defined. But this would further complicate the formulation. User Forum, September 2018

36 Conclusion MPC under tight time pressure to meet Panel’s timeline
MPC notes Ofwat might lean towards no redistribution However MPC believes redistribution is acceptable at least for this year MPC has recently advocated approach 4 but could be persuaded otherwise. However developing alternatives may take time and we risk ”timing out”. Should MPC/Panel proceed with a performance based attribution recommendation and Ofwat decline then the industry might face a no-redistribution approach and some uncertainty as to whether monies are to be returned or how funds might be used. User Forum, September 2018

37 Market Design Update – The Panel and Change
Adam Richardson, Market Design Director 37

38 Panel Plan – focus areas
(1) Promoting effective competition: Credit Developer services (2) Reducing friction and complexity in the market arrangements: Market performance Trading disputes Trade effluent Effectiveness of bilateral arrangements (3) Embedding good working practice and efficiency in market code governance: Best practice change provisions Panel and Committee governance Data protection User Forum, September 2018

39 Panel Plan - Review Consultation (summer 2018)
Responses (shared with Panel in August) Revisions: Drawing out the focus on the end-customer in the Panel’s strategic priorities Credit, developer services, trade effluent and trading disputes updated to align with the latest information. Next steps: Panel to approve revisions (September) Interim review (January 2019 – tbc) User Forum, September 2018

40 Trade Effluent Issue Committee
Update on Committees Panel TDC MIMP MPC GDPR Issue Committee Trade Effluent Issue Committee Credit Committee Meeting held 22 August 2018 Currently working on new change pertaining to the materiality of trading disputes OPSWG to raise change in Nov 2018 CPM008 to be brought back for decision at the November Panel Meeting held 11 September 2018 Currently working on new change pertaining to Meter Networks validation rule amendment Initial meeting to be held in autumn 2018 Post implementation review to start in Nov/Dec 2018 Will seek nominations for vacant seats User Forum, September 2018

41 Last three months (June 2018 – August 2018)
Change Proposals Panel and Committees Trading Party Engagement 13 Changes Raised 1 New Committees / Groups Established 7 Consultations issued 4 Changes Implemented 17 Meetings held 96 Responses reviewed 12 Recommendations to the Authority 54 Papers published 14 Nomination requests Implemented : CPM010: Amendments to the Retailer Board Nomination Process CPM011: MOSL invoices and payment terms CPW019: Alternative Eligible Credit Support CPW039: Deferral of Final Settlement Runs Meetings: Panel (6x), TEIC (4x), MPC (4x) and TDC (3x) Consultations: TDC (13) CPW (13) CPW (15) CPW (19) CPW (21) CPW (14) *CPM (1) *CPM008 still ongoing User Forum, September 2018

42 Change proposals raised in the last 12 months
User Forum, September 2018

43 Changes recently approved by the Authority
Title Implementation Date CPW010 Emergency Contact Details 28 September 2018 CPW019 Alternative Eligible Credit Support 31 July 2018 CPW025 Use of TCORRs on inactive data entities 17 May 2018 (R6.0) CPW026 Removing SPID version design CPW032 Amend H/04 form to clarify tariff effected date CPW036 G/02 & G/03 Trade Effluent Form amendments and creation CPW039 RF deferral - Deferral of Final Settlement Runs 31 August 2018 CPW040 Changes to the content of the NAPs Report User Forum, September 2018

44 CPW039: Deferral of final settlement runs
Panel recommended CPW039 to Ofwat for approval (16 July 2018) CPW039 was approved by Ofwat and implemented on 31 August 2018: Initial period of deferral will expire on 31 December 2018, and in any event will be no later than 28 February 2019 (Ofwat amendment) Panel will determine the catch-up timetable. Implications and next steps: Settlement data quality: proceed with data improvement projects Future corrections: Removal of ‘G’ Reads in the Live Market (CPW041)? Post-final settlement invoicing: resolution of discrepancy in the Wholesale Retail Code (WRC) (change proposal tbc) User Forum, September 2018

45 Awaiting Authority decision
Change Title Panel Recommendation Implementation CPW038 Tariff Report Updates Approve (June 2018 ) 17 May 2018 (Release 6.0) CPW037 Removing Error Codes list from CSD 0301 Approve (July 2018 ) 5 Days after Authority approval User Forum, September 2018

46 Changes (forward view)
User Forum, September 2018

47 Release summary – change proposals
User Forum, September 2018

48 Forecast release summary
28 September 2018 (Code Only) Reference Title Status Trading Party CPW036 G/02 & G/03 Trade Effluent Form amendments and creation Awaiting Implementation TEIC CPW035 General Enquiries (F/01 Form) NWGB CPW032 Amend H/04 form to clarify tariff effected date South East Water CPW026 Removing SPID version design MOSL CPW010 Emergency Contact Details Anglian Water 26 October 2018 – Release 5.0 Reference Title Status Trading Party CPW033 Meter Effective to Date Field in MDS_METER Report Awaiting Implementation United Utilities CPW028 Unpaired SPIDs Awaiting Authority Decision CPW043 CPW028 Housekeeping Changes Draft Recommendation MOSL 03 December 2018 (Code Only) Reference Title Status Trading Party CPW045 Updates to the Service Management Interface Draft Recommendation MOSL CPW044 Digital Certificates & Public Keys updates CPW041 G read removal governance In Assessment Impact to CMOS User Forum, September 2018

49 Forecast release summary
17 May 2019 – Release 6.0 Reference Title Status Trading Party CPW042 Provision of adding re–read flag into the MDS Meter Reads file Draft Recommendation Severn Trent CPW040 Changes to the content of the NAPs Report Awaiting Implementation United Utilities CPW038 Tariff Report Updates Awaiting Authority Decision MOSL CPW025 Use of TCORRs on inactive data entities South East Water 08 November 2019 – Release 7.0 Reference Title Status Trading Party DCP00X CSD 0301 to enhance CMOS Pipeline Change MOSL CSD 0101 & 0105 to enhance CMOS Long Unread Report United Utilities TDC Materiality amendments TDC Volume Transfer Settlement Reconciliation Seven Trent Meter Networks validation rule amendment TEIC SPID Data Erasure Vacancy challenge process Thames Retailer Notification process Impact to CMOS User Forum, September 2018

50 Trade Effluent Update Zainab Mohammed 50

51 Overview The Panel agreed to the establishment of the TEIC on 26 September 2017. The TEIC was requested to design an appropriate approach and framework to be used in operating the Committee effectively. It was noted that the framework and approach should consider: The consistency of issue recognition Approach to prioritisation Filtering market related trade effluent issues for consideration Commonality of understanding, action and delivery Limitations on Committee timeframe and resources. User Forum, September 2018

52 Operational Practices
Overview of issues Operational Practices Learning CMOS Data 39 18 16 10 User Forum, September 2018

53 Operational Processes Training CMOS
Issues and Outputs Operational Processes Issues: Temporary consents Normal consents Output: CPW months in progress, due to be implemented next month Training Issue: Knowledge and capability of participants in the market is inconsistent\incomplete Training sessions Jargon Buster Do I need a consent? SVAM Guidance CMOS Functionality is not specific to trade effluent requirements: Change proposal to allow sewerage wholesalers to set up meter networks Guidance on charging methodologies User Forum, September 2018

54 Training Feedback from 17 November session indicated more training would be welcome on: In January, the TEIC committed to developing actions to address prioritised issues. Training and support materials: Training Operational Processes Meter Networks Charging mechanisms. Guidance G\02 and G\03 guidance Jargon Buster Consider items requiring a training plan Do I need a consent? User Forum, September 2018

55 AOB Wrap Up & Close

56 Thank You!

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