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Unit 6: Medieval Europe The Hundred Year’s War

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1 Unit 6: Medieval Europe The Hundred Year’s War Today we are going to learn about the Causes & Effects of the 100 Year’s War between England and France.

2 Problems in Europe Problems during the Middle Ages—led to war:
Plague-”Black Death”-spread quickly across Europe (bacterial disease carried by fleas) English and French went to war over French territory Spanish and Portuguese fought Muslims The 100 Year’s began

3 Causes of 100 Years War French kings wanted to drive English out of Normandy English King Edward III declares himself king of France French become very angry, and begin to fight back leading to… William of Normandy becomes king of England while still ruling Normandy-1066

4 The Hundred Years War Ongoing armed conflict between France and England during the 1300s and 1400s for territorial rights and the issue of succession (who would rule next) to the French throne.

5 The Hundred Years War The Hundred Years' War was a conflict between France and England, actually lasting 116 years from 1337 to 1453. It was mainly fought over claims by the English kings to the French throne It did have several short cease-fires (if you will) and two longer periods of peace before it finally ended with the English being kicked out of France.

6 Crecy—a small province in northern France.
Battle of Crecy Crecy—a small province in northern France. First major battle of the war Took place after Edward III invaded France English archer defeated French army and forced the French king to give up some of his kingdom

7 More Battles After Battle of Crecy English took control
French would eventually regain control of this N. Eastern border Under Henry V, English archers would regain control of the land and control northern France

8 Joan of Arc

9 Joan was a hero to her people!
How she helped the FR Charles, the prince who ruled southern France wanted to take back the North 1429-Joan was brought before the king Joan pursuaded the king to let her travel with ther French army to Orleans Joan faith inspired the army and they took the city Shortly after (with Joan at his side) Charles was declared king Joan was a hero to her people!

10 Joan of Arc captured English were angered
English captured Joan, and handed her over to the Inquisition which had her burned at the stake She later became known as Joan of Arc

11 The end of the War French finally defeated the English
English civil war erupted after the war called the Wars of the Roses-the nobles fought for who should be king King Charles spent almost all of his money, but French pride grew from the victory

12 Effects of 100 Years War The war laid waste to much of France and caused enormous suffering French pride grew after victory English government grew weaker and fell into civil war By ending England's status as a power on the continent, it led the English to expand their reach and power at sea.

13 War of the Roses 1455-1485 House of York House of Lancaster
Symbol - white rose Richard – Henry’s cousin Symbol – red rose Henry VI – King of England Suffered periods of insanity

14 Battles 1455- Richard victorious
1460 – Richard killed – Battle of Wakefield Edward IV- Richard’s son –defeated the Lancastrians at Battle of Towton Henry VI – imprisoned in the Tower of London 1470 -Henry VI back in power 1471 – Edward IV back in power 1483- Edward V – in power Succeeded (possible murdered by his uncle) Richard III end of fighting when Henry Tudor –Lancastrian crowned Henry VII

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